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Location Data Schema

Chris Scott edited this page Apr 18, 2016 · 8 revisions

Javascript Callback Schema

The schema of the Location-object sent to your successFn takes the same form as the standard Cordova plugin cordova-plugin-geolocation.

The plugin attaches motion activity meta-data in the activity key. This describes the nature of the last reported activity, including a probability of that activity between 0-100%.

bgGeo.configure(function(location, taskId) {
    console.log(location);       // <-- See detailed Schema below
}, errorCallback, config);
    "timestamp":     [Date],     // <-- Javascript Date instance
    "is_moving":     [Boolean],  // <-- The motion-state when location was recorded.
    "uuid":          [String],   // <-- Universally unique identifier
    "coords": {
        "latitude":  [Float],
        "longitude": [Float],
        "accuracy":  [Float],
        "speed":     [Float],
        "heading":   [Float],
        "altitude":  [Float]
    "activity": {
        "type": [still|on_foot|walking|running|in_vehicle|on_bicycle],
        "confidence": [0-100%]
    "battery": {
        "level": [Float],
        "is_charging": [Boolean]


The location-data schema POSTed to your server takes the following form:

    "location": {
        "coords": {
            "latitude":   [Float],
            "longitude":  [Float]
            "accuracy":   [Float]
            "speed":      [Float],
            "heading":    [Float],
            "altitude":   [Float]
        "extras": {   // <-- optional extras.  @see #getCurrentPosition for details
            "foo": "bar"
        "activity": {
            "type": [still|on_foot|walking|running|in_vehicle|on_bicycle],
            "confidence": [0-100%]
        "geofence": {  // <-- Present only if a geofence was triggered at this location
            "identifier": [String],
            "action": [String ENTER|EXIT]            
        "battery": {
            "level": [Float],
            "is_charging": [Boolean]
        "timestamp": [ISO-8601 UTC], // eg:  "2015-05-05T04:31:54.123Z"
        "uuid":      [String]        // <-- Universally unique identifier
        "is_moving": [Boolean]       // <-- The motion-state when location was recorded.

Note: location is an array for batched requests