A minor mode to make dired
a bit more like ranger, but just crazy, not evil.
After enabling this mode, EVERY dired
movement command, should preview
the file or directory at point in other-window
aims to keep a preview for every motion command, regardless of what
your dired-mode-map
motion keys are bound to. If you find an edge-case -
please let me know.
All keys should be consistent with dired-mode
and standard Emacs bindings,
with the exception of <SPC>
and <backspace>
, which will now
and scroll-other-window-down
Add diranged.el
to your load-path
, and then:
(require 'diranged)
(define-key dired-mode-map "r" 'diranged-mode)
Or to use it as the default way to navigate dired
(add-hook 'dired-mode-hook 'diranged-mode)
With use-package
(use-package diranged
:bind (:map dired-mode-map ("r" . diranged-mode)))
The following customisation options and their defaults are shown below:
(setq diranged-disable-on-quit t ; disable diranged on quit-window
diranged-kill-on-move t ; cleanup spawed buffers as we go
diranged-kill-on-exit t ; cleanup spawed buffers on exit
diranged-max-file-size 10 ; MB size limit for previewing files
diranged-restore-windows t) ; restore windows state on exit
Not evil enough for you? Take a look at ranger-mode
A very similar package exists called peep-dired, but this doesn’t quite cut the
mustard IMHO since it only works for up and down lines with Ctrl-p/n
and hasn’t been touched in nearly 5 years.