A tool to generate Liquibase changelogs
On Unix
./mvnw clean install
./mvnw -pl change-log-generator-gui jfx:native
On Window
./mvnw.cmd clean install
./mvnw -pl change-log-generator-gui jfx:native
./release.sh [version]
On Unix
./mvnw clean install
On Window
./mvnw.cmd clean install
It will generate 2 jar files in the target folder:
and changelog-generator-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
changelog-generator-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar is a fat jar and it will contain all dependencies.
Check the java version
java -version
Make sure you have java 1.8.
Use it
java -jar changelog-generator-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar [command]
You can use wrapper instead of manually building the jar file.
Download the wrapper to your vbox
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vdtn359/change-log-generator-gui/master/changelog-generator.sh -O
Change permission
chmod a+x changelog-generator.sh
Initialise the jar file
./changelog-generator.sh init
Use the wrapper
sudo ./changelog-generator.sh [command]
Display help
./changelog-generator.sh --help
Display help for a specific command
./changelog-generator.sh table --help
Generate table change log
This command will inspect an existing mysql table and generate multi tenant schema
sudo ./changelog-generator.sh table [-f filename] [-y]
By default, it will use the default hiive_hiive configuration. You can override the config values when you run the command To use the default configuration without overriding it, use -y flag. To use a different configuration file, use -f flag
Generate column change log
This command will ask for a list of column configurations and generate both single tenant and multi tenant changes
sudo ./changelog-generator.sh column [-f filename] [-y]
Config values include:
- jira number: will be prepended to the multi-tenant change log file name
- author name: used in the change log
- schema: multi tenant schema, default to (accelo_shared)
- output file name: single tenant sql file name (without the extension)