Something like a 'Hello, world!' program. These scripts are very simplified.
Output the age of the moon to stdout, mini buffer, command line, web browser.
Open the getsurei.el file, then type M-x eval-current-buffer
and M-x getsurei
Open the getsurei.vim file, then type :source %
and :call Getsurei()
Add the following text to your HTML file, then open the file.
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
<p>Please enable javascript in your browser.</p>
Type the following command on terminal...
gawk -f getsurei.awk
clisp getsurei.lisp
or sbcl --script getsurei.lisp
lua getsurei.lua
ruby getsurei.rb
gosh getsurei.scm
gcc -o getsurei getsurei.c
and ./getsurei
runhaskell getsurei.hs
and java Getsurei
mcs getsurei.cs
and mono getsurei.exe
go run getsurei.go
clang -framework Foundation -o getsurei getsurei.m
and ./getsurei
swiftc -o getsurei getsurei.swift
and ./getsurei
(or swift getsurei.swift
clang++ -o getsurei
and ./getsurei
fsharpc getsurei.fs
and mono getsurei.exe
node getsurei-node.js
gfortran getsurei.f90 -o getsurei
and ./getsurei
php getsurei.php
tclsh getsurei.tcl
Rscript getsurei.R
elixir getsurei.exs
On Windows environment, you should use the convert program like nkf, iconv.
lua getsurei.lua | nkf32
ocaml | iconv -f utf-8 -t cp932
- Added the Elixir source.
- Added the R source.
- Changed Swift code from 2.0 to 3.0.
- Fixed bug the Tcl source.
- Fixed bug the Tcl and PHP sources.
- Added the Tcl source.
- Added the PHP source.
- Added the Fortran source.
- Changed Swift code from 1.1 to 2.0.
- Added the JavaScript for nodejs.
- Added the C++ and F# source.
- Added the Objective-C and Swift source.
- Removed System.Locale module in Haskell script.
- Fixed bug Lua script.
- Fixed bug Vim script.
- Removed utf8-string module in Haskell script.
- Added the golang source.
- Fixed bug shell script.
- Fixed bug awk script.
- Added the Java and C# sources.
- Fixed bug ocaml script.
- Added the AWK and Perl script.
- Added the Shell and Haskell script.
Fixed bug elisp script and replaced tab with space character.
Added the OCaml script.
- Added the Lua script.
- Added the Common Lisp script.
First release.
Added the Vim script.
- Added the JavaScript code.
Added the C source.
Added the Scheme script.
Added the Python3 script.
Added the Emacs Lisp.
Created the Ruby script.