I am no longer maintaining this project. The source will remain available, however, the heroku instance will not.
For a more up-to-date project please see:
Hairball Demo is a simple web service that demonstrates Hairball, the lint-inspired static analysis tool for Scratch. The paper and presentation slides for Hairball can be found at: http://cs.ucsb.edu/~bboe/p/cv#sigcse13
A running version of the Hairball Demo web service can be found at: http://hairball.herokuapp.com
The Hairball source is located at: https://github.com/ucsb-cs-education/hairball
Create python virtual environment
mkvirtualenv hbdemo
Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the development server
gunicorn --worker-class=gevent --timeout 300 --bind app:app