Deploy prometheus Tylux prometheus_service_exporter using ansible.
Tylux service_exporter allow to monitor Linux services and is lightweigth than node_exporter
Role forked and largely inspired by Cloudalchemy Blackbox Exporter Ansible role
Role is supposed to work with Debian, Suse, RedHat, Fedora, (See Ansible Galaxy meta), but it was only tested on Ubuntu Bionic (18.04).
- Ansible >= 2.7 (It might work on previous versions, but we cannot guarantee it)
All variables which can be overridden are stored in defaults/main.yml file.
Only two are defined:
- service_exporter_version: version of service_exporter to install
- service_exporter_web_listen_address: IP and port to listen
The third is commented and must be defined :
- service_exporter_service_list : list of service to monitor
Use it in a playbook as follows:
- hosts: all
- apache2.service
- umanit.prometheus_service_exporter
This project is licensed under MIT License. See LICENSE for more details.