Author: Eric Nichols, [email protected]
Web-KA: A collection of tools for acquiring and databasing semantic relation patterns and instances from Web texts. Contains Python implementations of the Espresso[1,2] and Coupled Pattern Learner [3] bootstrapping algorithms and tools for managing patterns and instances in MongoDB.
: creates a matrix of co-occurence counts between relation pattern * arguments in mongodb from input instances
Usage: [options] [<instance_files>]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
collection name
-d DB, --database=DB database name
-o HOST, --host=HOST mongodb host machine name.
default: localhost
-p PORT, --port=PORT mongodb host machine port number.
default: 27017
Instances have the following tab-delimited format:
: score representing weight * co-occurence count for instanceloc
: giving source and location of instancerel
: containing relation patternargc
: giving argument countargv
: tab-delimited list of arguments as strings
1.0\treverb_clueweb_tuples-1.1.txt:30:10-11\tARG1 acquired ARG2\t2\Google\tYouTube
The co-occurence matrix collection has the following fields:
: relation patternarg1
: first argument- ...
: nth argumentscore
: score for rel * args tuple
Instances of differing argument count are stored in separate mongodb collections with names formatted as <collection>_<argc>
. E.g. if a collection clueweb
has instances with argument counts of 1, 2, and 3, then the following collection would be created:
It is indexed for fast look up of rel, args, and (rel,args) tuples.
: caches co-occurence frequencies and discounted PMI between relation patterns and argument tuples into a matrix stored in mongodb
Usage: [options] [database] [collection]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o HOST, --host=HOST mongodb host machine name.
default: localhost
-p PORT, --port=PORT mongodb host machine port number.
default: 1979
-s START, --start=START
specify calculation to start with
1 or F_i: instance tuple frequencies
2 or F_p: relation pattern frequencies
3 or F_ip: instance*pattern co-occurence frequencies
4 or pmi_ip: instance*pattern discounted PMI score
default: F_i
Creates 4 frequency/score caches in the form of mongodb collections:
: instance tuple frequencies<matrix>_F_p
: relation pattern frequencies<matrix>_F_ip
: instance*pattern co-occurence frequencies<matrix>_pmi_ip
: instance*pattern Pointwise Mutual Information score discounted to account for bias toward infrequent events following [1]
Pointwise mutual information between argument instances and relation patterns is defines following [2] as:
(1) PMI(i,p) = log( F(i,p) / F(i)*F(p) )
(2) F(i) = the frequency of argument instance i
(3) F(p) = the frequency of relation pattern p
(4) F(i,p) = the co-occurence frequency of argument instance i and relation pattern p
Pointwise Mutual Information is known to be biased toward infrequent events. Pantel and Ravichandran [1] compensate by multiplying PMI by a "discounting factor" that is essentially a smoothed co-occurence frequency multiplied by a smoothed frequency of the argument instance or the relation patter, whichever is lesser.
(5) discount(i,p) = (F(i,p) / F(i,p)+1) * (min(F(i),F(p)) / min(F(i),F(p))+1)
(6) discountedPMI(i,p) = PMI(i,p) * discount(i,p)
: an implemenatation of the Espresso bootstrapping algorithm
Usage: [options] [database] [collection] [rel] [seeds]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o HOST, --host=HOST mongodb host machine name. default: localhost
-p PORT, --port=PORT mongodb host machine port number. default: 27017
-s START, --start=START
iteration to start with. default: 1
-t STOP, --stop=STOP iteration to stop at. default: 2
Creates 2 caches of bootstrapped instances and patterns for the target relation:
: bootstrapped instances for<matrix>_<rel>_esp_p
: bootstrapped patterns for
Bootstrapping starts with seed instances and alternates between promoting new patterns and instances following the Espresso bootstrapping algorithm [2].
- retrieve promoted instances/patterns
- rank by reliability score
- keep top 10 promoted instances/patterns
- bootstrap patterns/instances using promoted instances/patterns
Candidate patterns and instances are ranked by reliability score, which reflects the pointwise mutual information score between a promoted pattern/instance and the set of instances/patterns that generated it.
(1) r_i(i,P) = sum( dpmi(i,p)*r_p(p) / max_pmi ) / len(P)
for p in P
(2) r_p(P,i) = sum( dpmi(i,p)*r_i(i) / max_pmi ) / len(I)
for i in I
where dpmi is Discounted Pointwise Mutual Information [1]. r_i and r_p are recursively defined with r_i=1.0 for the seed instances.
[1] Patrick Pantel and Deepak Ravichandran. Automatically Labeling Semantic Classes. HLT-NAACL 2004.
[2] Patrick Pantel and Marco Pennacchiotti. Espresso: Leveraging Generic Patterns for Automatically Harvesting Semantic Relations. ACL 2006.
[3] Andrew Carlson, Justin Betteridge, Richard C. Wang, Estevam R. Hruschka Jr., and Tom M. Mitchell. Coupled Semi-supervised Learning for Information Extraction. WDSM 2010.