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Fix unused-binding-detection in case patterns
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ChrisPenner committed Aug 2, 2024
1 parent 8a3e2ef commit 3e87dc3
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Showing 3 changed files with 82 additions and 16 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion parser-typechecker/src/Unison/Syntax/TermParser.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -294,12 +294,13 @@ parsePattern = label "pattern" root
do _ <- anyToken; pure (Set.findMin s <$ tok)
isLower = Text.all Char.isLower . Text.take 1 . Name.toText
isIgnored n = Text.take 1 (Name.toText n) == "_"
die hq s = case L.payload hq of
-- if token not hash qualified or uppercase,
-- fail w/out consuming it to allow backtracking
HQ.NameOnly n
| Set.null s
&& isLower n ->
&& (isLower n || isIgnored n) ->
fail $ "not a constructor name: " <> show n
-- it was hash qualified, and wasn't found in the env, that's a failure!
_ -> failCommitted $ err hq s
Expand Down
67 changes: 58 additions & 9 deletions unison-cli/src/Unison/LSP/FileAnalysis/UnusedBindings.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,20 +14,42 @@ import Unison.Parser.Ann (Ann)
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.Symbol (Symbol (..))
import Unison.Term (Term)
import Unison.Term qualified as Term
import Unison.Util.List qualified as ListUtils
import Unison.Util.Range qualified as Range
import Unison.Var qualified as Var

data VarUsages
= VarUsages
{ unusedVars :: Map Symbol (Set Ann),
usedVars :: Set Symbol,
-- This is generally a copy of usedVars, except that we _don't_ remove variables when they go out of scope.
-- This is solely so we have the information to handle an edge case in pattern guards where vars are independently
-- brought into scope in BOTH the guards and the body of a match case, and we want to count a var as used if it
-- appears in _either_.
allUsedVars :: Set Symbol

instance Semigroup VarUsages where
VarUsages a b c <> VarUsages a' b' c' =
VarUsages (Map.unionWith (<>) a a') (b <> b') (c <> c')

instance Monoid VarUsages where
mempty = VarUsages mempty mempty mempty

analyseTerm :: Lsp.Uri -> Term Symbol Ann -> [Diagnostic]
analyseTerm fileUri tm =
let (unusedVars, _) = ABT.cata alg tm
let (VarUsages {unusedVars}) = ABT.cata alg tm
vars =
Map.toList unusedVars & mapMaybe \(v, ann) -> do
(,ann) <$> getRelevantVarName v
diagnostics =
vars & mapMaybe \(varName, ann) -> do
vars & foldMap \(varName, anns) -> do
ann <- Set.toList anns
range <- maybeToList $ Cv.annToURange ann
-- Limit the range to the first line of the binding to not be too annoying.
-- Maybe in the future we can get the actual annotation of the variable name.
lspRange <- Cv.uToLspRange . Range.startingLine <$> Cv.annToURange ann
let lspRange = Cv.uToLspRange . Range.startingLine $ range
pure $ Diagnostic.mkDiagnostic fileUri lspRange Diagnostic.DiagnosticSeverity_Warning [Lsp.DiagnosticTag_Unnecessary] ("Unused binding " <> tShow varName <> ". Use the binding, or prefix it with an _ to dismiss this warning.") []
in diagnostics
Expand All @@ -41,12 +63,39 @@ analyseTerm fileUri tm =
guard (not (Text.isPrefixOf "_" n))
Just n
_ -> Nothing
alg :: (Foldable f, Ord v) => Ann -> ABT f v (Map v Ann, Set v) -> (Map v Ann, Set v)
alg ::
Ann ->
(ABT (Term.F Symbol Ann Ann) Symbol VarUsages -> VarUsages)
alg ann abt = case abt of
Var v -> (mempty, Set.singleton v)
Var v -> VarUsages {unusedVars = mempty, usedVars = Set.singleton v, allUsedVars = Set.singleton v}
Cycle x -> x
Abs v (unusedBindings, usedVars) ->
Abs v (VarUsages {unusedVars, usedVars, allUsedVars}) ->
if v `Set.member` usedVars
then (unusedBindings, Set.delete v usedVars)
else (Map.insert v ann unusedBindings, usedVars)
Tm fx -> Foldable.fold fx
then VarUsages {unusedVars, usedVars = Set.delete v usedVars, allUsedVars}
else VarUsages {unusedVars = Map.insert v (Set.singleton ann) unusedVars, usedVars, allUsedVars}
Tm fx ->
case fx of
-- We need to special-case pattern guards because the pattern, guard, and body treat each of their vars in
-- their own independent scopes, even though the vars created in the pattern are the same ones used in the
-- guards and bindings :shrug:
Term.Match scrutinee cases ->
let -- There's a separate case for every guard on a single pattern, so we first do our best to group up cases with the same pattern.
-- Otherwise, a var may be reported unused in one branch of a guard even though it's used in another branch.
groupedCases = ListUtils.groupBy (\(Term.MatchCase pat _ _) -> pat) cases
caseVars =
groupedCases & foldMap \singlePatCases ->
let (VarUsages {unusedVars = unused, usedVars = used, allUsedVars = allUsed}) =
& foldMap
( \(Term.MatchCase pat guard body) ->
-- This is imprecise, but it's quite annoying to get the actual ann of the unused bindings, so
-- we just use the FULL span of the pattern for now. We could fix this with a bit
-- of elbow grease.
let patSpanAnn = fold pat
combindedVarUsages = fold guard <> body
in combindedVarUsages {unusedVars = (unusedVars combindedVarUsages) $> (Set.singleton patSpanAnn)}
actuallyUnusedVars = unused & Map.filterWithKey \k _ -> k `Set.notMember` allUsed
in VarUsages {unusedVars = actuallyUnusedVars, usedVars = used, allUsedVars = allUsed}
in scrutinee <> caseVars
_ -> Foldable.fold fx
28 changes: 22 additions & 6 deletions unison-cli/tests/Unison/Test/LSP.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -416,21 +416,24 @@ withTestCodebase action = do

makeDiagnosticRangeTest :: (String, Text) -> Test ()
makeDiagnosticRangeTest (testName, testSrc) = scope testName $ do
(ann, _block, cleanSrc) <- case extractDelimitedBlock ('«', '»') testSrc of
Nothing -> crash "expected exactly one delimited block"
Just r -> pure r
let (cleanSrc, mayExpectedDiagnostic) = case extractDelimitedBlock ('«', '»') testSrc of
Nothing -> (testSrc, Nothing)
Just (ann, block, clean) -> (clean, Just (ann, block))
(pf, _mayTypecheckedFile) <- typecheckSrc testName cleanSrc
UF.terms pf
& Map.elems
& \case
[(_a, trm)] -> do
case UnusedBindings.analyseTerm (LSP.Uri "test") trm of
[diag] -> do
case (mayExpectedDiagnostic, UnusedBindings.analyseTerm (LSP.Uri "test") trm) of
(Just (ann, _block), [diag]) -> do
let expectedRange = Cv.annToRange ann
let actualRange = Just (diag ^. LSP.range)
when (expectedRange /= actualRange) do
crash $ "Expected diagnostic at range: " <> show expectedRange <> ", got: " <> show actualRange
_ -> crash "Expected exactly one diagnostic"
(Nothing, []) -> pure ()
(expected, actual) -> case expected of
Nothing -> crash $ "Expected no diagnostics, got: " <> show actual
Just _ -> crash $ "Expected exactly one diagnostic, but got " <> show actual
_ -> crash "Expected exactly one term"

unusedBindingLocations :: Test ()
Expand All @@ -446,5 +449,18 @@ unusedBindingLocations =
( "Unused argument",
[here|term «unused» = 1|]
( "Unused binding in cases block",
[here|term = cases
-- Note: the diagnostic _should_ only wrap the unused bindings, but right now it just wraps the whole pattern.
(«unused, used»)
| used > 0 -> true
| otherwise -> false
( "Ignored unused binding in cases block shouldn't error",
[here|term = cases
(used, _ignored) -> used

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