Express app that runs a Twitter bot that responds to @mentions that include images with ASCII art versions of those images.
Add your Twitter app credentials to config.json with this structure:
{ twitter_creds: { consumer_key: 'YOURKEY', consumer_secret: 'YOURSECRET', access_token: 'YOURTOKEN', access_token_secret: 'YOURTOKENSECRET' } }
Add your AWS S3 bucket credentials to aws.json with this structure
{ "accessKeyId": "YOURKEY", "secretAccessKey": "YOURSECRET", "region": "REGION", "bucket": "BUCKETNAME" }
To run test images, install all dependencies ('npm install' but also imagemagick, ghostscript, jp2a), and then run test-images/run-tests.js. This will process the provided folder of test images into grayscale intermediate processing images and ASCII final output.