- 1. Release Notes
- 2. Installation
- 3. Running Tests
- 4. Developer Test Environment
- 5. Example Workflows
- 6. Restarting Simulations
See Changelog
- Load required modules
module load anaconda3 packmol libmatheval gromacs-plumed/2019.4/b2 openblas git
- Create a virtual environment
conda create -n yourenvname python=3.7
Peptidesim is no longer available for python2 versions. Once you create your environment, you should activate it for the next steps:
source activate yourenvname
Check on pip and python and make sure they are sourced to your environment directory:
which pip #or which python
# The output should look like this:
# /.conda/envs/yourenvname/bin/pip
Note: In case the environment is not properly activated, i.e., which pip
outputs a path not as mentioned above, try conda init
. Close and reopen a new terminal and do conda activate <yourenvname>
- For installing PeptideSim, you need to clone the package from github.
git clone https://github.com/ur-whitelab/peptidesim.git
Change directory to package
and install the requirements and the module:
cd package
pip install -e .
- Setup a config file for Gromacswrapper to be able to find the gromacs installation. You can use the one given below and save it to
qscriptdir = %( configdir )s/qscripts
templatesdir = %( configdir )s/templates
configdir = ~/.gromacswrapper
[ Gromacs ]
release = 2019.4
gmxrc = /software/gromacs-plumed/2019.4/b2/bin/GMXRC
extra =
tools = gmx gmx_mpi
groups = tools
[ Logging ]
logfilename = gromacs .log
loglevel_console = INFO
loglevel_file = DEBUG
Alternatively, on a non-head node use interactive python to do this:
import gromacs
You must install pytest first, then you can run the tests using the following command:
python -m pytest -x -v peptidesim/package/tests/
You should be on an interactive node if on bluehive. The tests generate a lot of files, so run it in a clean directory.
Load the plumed gromacs docker image from dockerhub:
docker pull whitelab/plumed-gromacs
Now we build the peptidesim testing image
cd test-docker
docker build -t peptidesim/test .
These two steps gather the plumed and gromacs version. Generally, you do not need to re-run them.
From the repo root directory:
[sudo] ./test.sh
You may need to have sudo
depending on your docker configuration. This will run all tests and clean-up. If are using Windows or need to modify the command, use:
docker run -it --rm -v [path_to_peptidesim_root]:/home/whitelab/peptidesim peptidesim/test
If you want to leave all test files around and have python access to troubleshoot, including an editable install so code you change is reflected, use:
[sudo] ./interact.sh
Type exit
to leave the docker environment. See instructions that are printed after
running the command for how to interact/use the environment.
A complete example can be found in peptidesim/inputs/simple
Create a Python script simple.py and import the PeptideSim class
from pepsidesim import PeptideSim
Specify peptides, conditions, and initialize. Note that all properties of the PeptideSim have defaults, so you do not necessarily need to specify a concentration or water model.
seq = 'EKEKEKEKEKEK' # input the sequence in one-letter-code
name = 'EK6' # naming the sequence
pep_copies = 1 # specify the number of copies, increase the number if running multiple chains to study self assembly and etc.
ps = PeptideSim(name, [seq], [pep_copies], job_name='2mer_{}'.format(name)) # input to PeptideSim
ps.peptide_density = 0.008 # g/mol
ps.water = 'spce' # specify water model
ps.mpi_np = 4 # Number of MPI processes to use
In case you want to use a forcefield X that is not available in GROMACS,
add the forcefield files to the peptidesim object and put it in the peptide_structures
directory. Then use the pdb2gmx_args
input options to select the forcefield.
ps.forcefield = 'select'
ps.water = 'select'
# Specify input options, here ('1', '1') are the strings you would enter for the
# forcefield and water, respectively, when using gmx pdb2gmx command interactively.
ps.pdb2gmx_args['input'] = ('1', '1')
Note that if you want to use a water model that's not available in GROMACS,
you need to provide the water_model.gro
file to solvate the system.
You will have to change the source code function _solvate()
in /package/peptidesim/peptidesim.py
to specify this new water file.
Here we do energy minimization, annealing and NVT equilibration. Note that
we can pass specific gromacs mdp
arguments as python objects. The tag
the short name of the simulation we are doing. The mdpfile
names used here
are templates found in the peptidesim package. You can provide your own files
if desired.
ps.run(mdpfile='peptidesim_emin.mdp', tag='init_emin', mdp_kwargs={'nsteps': 10**5})
ps.run(mdpfile='peptidesim_anneal.mdp', tag='anneal_nvt')
ps.run(mdpfile='peptidesim_nvt.mdp', tag='nvt_prod', mdp_kwargs={'nsteps': int(3 * 5*10**5), 'constraints': 'h-bonds'})
If you are using a slurm job script, you could use this example:
#SBATCH --partition=standard --time=120:00:00 --output=EK6.txt
#SBATCH --mail-type ALL
python simple.py
A complete example can be found in peptidesim/inputs/pte
Restarting is handled via the built-in gromacs restarts combined with python pickle objects. After each modification of the simulation (e.g., initialization or running a simulation), a current pickle file is saved in the peptidesim root directory. Its name matches your job name. Additionally, previous pickle files are saved in a directory called restarts
that can be used to resume from previous stages. Your current pickle is always saved there too, so that you can simply move a pickle file from this directory to your root directory to restart from a different step. Pickle files are automatically used to restart your simulation in a script and simulations that have already completed will be skipped so that you need not edit your script if restarting.
You can disable restarting by passing the restartable=False
argument to the PeptideSim
initialization. If the restartable
flag is not set but there are existing pickle objects, an error will occur to prevent you from accidentally overwriting a previous simulation.
© Andrew White at University of Rochester