A final year undergraduate project for the degree of BSc (Honours) in Computing Science (Business Computing) at the Department of Computing Science of the University of Aberdeen.
Please see the Report for a project abstract and a detailed description of the project. Included in the report but also available separately are:
- a User Manual for instructions on basic usage of the software,
- a Maintenance Manual for instructions on advanced usage and development help.
The results of the experiments are available here: Result Dataset
I recommend you to use automatically provisioned virtualisation as specified in the User Manual. Alternatively, on supported Unix-like systems you can use RVM or rbenv.
Uses Ruby version 2.1.1
Uses Rubygems version 2.2.2
Please see Gemfile for the top level depencencies and Gemfile.lock for a full list of all dependencies.
You can use R Language for data analysis. An R script analysis.R is included with the project. For instructions, please see the User Manual
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