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This repository contains program, that solve image classification problem using machine learning algorithms


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This project is a part of the Harvard CS50AI course. The project is a program which uses TensorFlow framework to build a neural network to classify images. Main parts of a project are:

Learning (

  • preparation data for modeling (data are images of traffic signes divided into folders)
  • creation and training a model

Recognition (

  • preparation data for recognition (load images from folder)
  • recognition and printing a result

As a data set for the traning German Traffic Sign Recognition Benchmark had been taken
As an images for recognition screenshots from Google Maps (Germany, Berlin) had been taken

Model parameters

Main goal of choosing parameters is to find best accuracy (within couple minutes of training).
As the default following setup is chosen:

Parameter Value
Number of convolution/pooling layers 1
Number of convolution filters 32
Convolution kernel size 3x3
Pool size 2x2
Number of hidden layers 1
Size of hidden layer 128
Dropout 0.5
Accuracy 0.96

Experiment results

Number of convolution/pooling layers Accuracy
1 0.96
2 0.98
3 0.97

-> 2% accuracy increase between 1 and 2 convolutions is reached because neural network becomes less sensitive to variation (picture taken from slightly different angles).

Number of convolution filters Accuracy
2 0.91
4 0.95
8 0.96
16 0.96
32 0.96
64 0.96
128 0.97

-> Exponential increase of filters amount increases accuracy, which has asymptotic behavior.

Convolution kernel size Accuracy
3x3 0.96
9x9 0.96

-> Kernel size does not strongly affect on accuracy.

Pool size Accuracy
1x1 0.97
2x2 0.96
4x4 0.92

-> Bigger pooling kernel decrease accuracy (picture became more pixelized). But also computation time decrease.

Number of hidden layers Accuracy
1 0.96
2 0.97
3 0.96

-> In this case with 128 neuron density number of layers canging does no effect.

Size of hidden layer Accuracy
64 0.89
128 0.96
256 0.96
512 0.97

-> Exponential increase of neurons amount increases accuracy, which has asymptotic behavior.

Dropout Accuracy
0 0.94
0.1 0.96
0.25 0.96
0.4 0.95
0.5 0.96
0.6 0.96
0.75 0.91
0.9 0.70
1 ValueError :)

-> Most optimal amount of dropout is half. Decreasing of dropout has risk of overfitting. Dropping out too many neurons make accuracy worse.

Additional experiment while compiling

Loss function Accuracy
categorical_crossentropy 0.96
binary_crossentropy 0.94

-> Binary crossentropy should work better with binary classification, not multi-class classification.

Batch size Batches number Accuracy
1 15984 0.94
32 (default) 500 0.97
1000 16 0.77
10000 2 0.21

-> Lack of memory or complexity of model may be reason of decreasing of batch size. But deafult size is best for this case.

Epochs Accuracy
10 0.96
20 0.97

-> Increasing amount of epochs after 10 doesn't make much sence with this set of settings.


Initial set of parameters is considered to be optimal, except:

  • number of convolution/pooling layers
  • number of hidden layers

Both numbers are set to 2 for best performance (0.98 of accurcy):

Epoch 1/10
500/500 [==============================] - 8s 14ms/step - loss: 2.4862 - accuracy: 0.2994
Epoch 2/10
500/500 [==============================] - 7s 14ms/step - loss: 0.9245 - accuracy: 0.7020
Epoch 3/10
500/500 [==============================] - 7s 14ms/step - loss: 0.4144 - accuracy: 0.8681
Epoch 4/10
500/500 [==============================] - 7s 14ms/step - loss: 0.2456 - accuracy: 0.9256
Epoch 5/10
500/500 [==============================] - 7s 14ms/step - loss: 0.1860 - accuracy: 0.9454
Epoch 6/10
500/500 [==============================] - 7s 14ms/step - loss: 0.1340 - accuracy: 0.9590
Epoch 7/10
500/500 [==============================] - 7s 14ms/step - loss: 0.1063 - accuracy: 0.9668
Epoch 8/10
500/500 [==============================] - 7s 14ms/step - loss: 0.0922 - accuracy: 0.9735
Epoch 9/10
500/500 [==============================] - 7s 14ms/step - loss: 0.0816 - accuracy: 0.9764
Epoch 10/10
500/500 [==============================] - 7s 14ms/step - loss: 0.0612 - accuracy: 0.9822
333/333 - 1s - loss: 0.0590 - accuracy: 0.9861 - 1s/epoch - 3ms/step

Prediction for all images (except 4th) had been chosen with 100% confidence.
The 4th image didn't present in training set, which caused less confidence.
The 5th image had noise (sticker on a sign), but it didn't affect confidence:

1/1 [==============================] - 0s 133ms/step

img1.png is "Speed limit (30km/h)" sign with a confidence of 100.00%
img2.png is "No entry" sign with a confidence of 100.00%
img3.png is "Priority road" sign with a confidence of 100.00%
img4.png is "Turn right ahead" sign with a confidence of 75.91%
img5.png is "Stop" sign with a confidence of 100.00%


This repository contains program, that solve image classification problem using machine learning algorithms







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