Main application; Can be installed as pwa
Currently, app use 2 providers for exporting logs, traces, metrics as well as alert notifications
Deployed with docker image to the custom VM in azure. Can be accessed by this url (Frontend token is required).
Can be accessed by this url (Credentials are required).
This command will spin the docker container with default keys (that are already used in appsettings.development.json)
docker run -d --restart unless-stopped -it -p 5568:18888 -p 5569:18889 --name aspire-dashboard -e DASHBOARD__OTLP__AUTHMODE=ApiKey -e DASHBOARD__OTLP__PRIMARYAPIKEY=dev -e Dashboard__Frontend__BrowserToken=admin
docker run -d --name seq -e ACCEPT_EULA=Y -p 82:80 -p 5343:5341 --restart unless-stopped -v seq-logs:/seqdata datalust/seq:latest
docker run --name postgresDB -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -e POSTGRES_DB=postgresdb -p 5455:5432 -v postgres-volume:/var/lib/postgresql/data --restart unless-stopped -d postgres
There are a number of integrations happening in the backend so to make them all word the following keys are required:
- "OpenAIKey" - Open AI integration
- "AzureAiTranslatorKey" - Integration with Azure AI translator
- "DeeplAuthKey" - integration with Deepl
- "UnsplashApiKey" - integration with Unsplash (used for searching images for terms)
- "BingSearchApiKey" - integration with Azure bing search (currently is only used for searching images)
- Run WordFlux.AppHost.Https scheme. It will spin up required services (Database, Aspire dashboard)
- Connection string to the postgres database. By default the following connection is used for development "Host=localhost;Port=5455;Username=postgres;Password=postgres;Database=postgresdb"
Due to some restrictions pertaining how Blazor Web Assembly works, it is only currently possible to run Blazor standalone app separately, without AppHost file.
- Go to WordFlux.ClientApp -> wwwroot -> appsettings.Development.json
- Change BackendUrl to the url that will correspond backend server.
- (In case of running API project separately this url is https://localhost:7443/)
- (In case of running API project with dotnet aspire this url will be mapped dynamically for the API and will be only know after the start of the HOST project)