Scripts and subroutines for the SIF-based biospheric model which offer a appliable solution to NEE over urban areas around the globe and help separate biospheric fluxes from anthropogenic emissions. Hourly NEE fluxes are available at 0.05 x 0.05 deg grid spacing.
Methodology is based on [Wu et al., submitted]. Please contact Dien ([email protected]) if you have any comments. Thank you.
Users can start with 'main_script_*.r' for model and parameter initializations. Please refer to Figure 1 in the manuscript for required input datasets. Most data in use are stored in SMUrF/data, while one has to download MCD12Q1 data from here or appeears to SMUrF/data.
Estimate 4-day mean GPP based on CSIF (Zhang et al., 2018) and biomes-dependent GPP-SIF slopes; with biome-specific uncertainties via model-data comparisons based on FLUXNET2015. Weighted mean GPP-SIF slopes are calculated for crop and urban areas based on the estimtated C3:C4 ratio and land fractions of urban vegetation types.
Estimate daily mean Reco based on pre-trained neural network (NN) model and explantory variables including air & soil temperatures and SIF-based GPP; with biome-specific uncertainties from NN model performances.
Estimate hourly mean NEE by downscaling GPP and Reco (following Fisher et al., 2016) using reanalysis and data assimilation products
Dien Wu, John C. Lin, Henrique F. Duarte, Vineet Yadav, Nicholas C. Parazoo, Tomohiro Oda, and Eric A. Kort: A Model for Urban Biogenic CO2 Fluxes: Solar-Induced Fluorescence for Modeling Urban biogenic Fluxes (SMUrF), submitted to Geoscientific Model Development.