W E B S M S . C O M C # T O O L K I T
A C# library for using websms.com SMS services. It reduces the complexity of network-communication between client and SMS gateway, to help business-customer save time and money for focusing on their business logic.
- Version 1.0.1: Examples: Set 'test' parameter to false as default Sets version in user agent header
- Version 1.0.0: Basic text- and binary-sms-sending
This package contains a prebuild library WebsmsToolkitCS.dll, which can be found under lib/. To start using the toolkit, just add this library to your references in your Microsoft Visual Studio project.
For a quick start, check out out the examples:
- examples/simple.cs: Simple example sending a text SMS.
- examples/async.cs: Sending a binary message asynchronously.
- examples/ASP.NET/: Simple web page for sending a text SMS.
If you want to compile the library yourself, the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 solution and project files are included in this package.
This toolkit requires Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.
See https://www.nuget.org/packages/WebsmsToolkitCS/
The documentation available as of the date of this release is included in the doc/ directory. Changes to the source also require the documentation to be updated (Doxygen).
For any further questions into detail the contact-email is [email protected]
- Markus Opitz
- Georg Hinteregger