A set of links from my experience learning react on a real project. I personally recommend this 'awesome tutorial' to the people who want to have a deep understanding on how react and other web technologies/concepts works. That will help you to easily understand no just react or redux but everything involved with the javascript ecossystem and will make you have a brief about what is comming in the future.
- Javascript the right way
- Javascript30 - Wes Bos free course of Vanilla JS
- ES6 Features - You don`t know JS ES6 & Beyond
- How to Use Classes and Sleep at Night - Dan Abramov
- The Two Pillars of JavaScript - Eric Elliot
- Common Misconceptions About Inheritance in JavaScript - Eric Elliot
- Inside the Dev Team Death Spiral - Eric Elliot
- So you wanna be a Functional Programmer (part 1)
- So you wanna be a Functional Programmer (part 2)
- So you wanna be a Functional Programmer (part 3)
- So you wanna be a Functional Programmer (part 4)
- So you wanna be a Functional Programmer (part 5)
- So you wanna be a Functional Programmer (part 6)
- Arrow Functions - ExploringJS
- Vectors, Maps, Set - Zach Allaun talk
- React Redux ES6 - Cory House
- React courses - Egghead
- Modern React with Redux - Stephen Grider
- Advanced React and Redux - Stephen Grider
- React Docs
- React In-depth: An exploration of UI development - James & Aaron
- ReactJS Basics - Mindspace
- ReactJS Tutorials - Learncode Academy
- Patterns and Anti-Patterns React - vasanthk github
- React and Redux Cheatsheets - egghead.io
- Internationalization in React - Preethi Kasireddy
- React Express - The all-in-one guide to modern React application development
- ReactJS + Redux Basics - Mindspace
- Redux Tutorials - Learncode Academy
- Container Components - Learn React with chantastic
- Presentational and Container Components - Dan Abramov
- Redux - Redux Documentation
- Netflix JavaScript Talks - RxJS + Redux + React = Amazing! - Jay Phelps
- Leveling Up with React: Redux - Brad Westfall
- Getting Started With React Redux: An Intro - codementor
- Why use Redux over Facebook Flux? - Dan Abramov`s answer on how to use redux over flux
- Awesome Redux - Denis Stoyanov
- React Redux - To implement react with redux
- React Creator - A module to create a bundle of a base react project
- React Router - A module to handle routs in a SPA project
- Redux Actions - A module to manage the actions inside a redux application
- Material-UI - A Set of React Components that Implement Google's Material Design
- React Toolbox - A set of React components implementing Google's Material Design specification with the power of CSS Modules
- React Grid System - A no CSS Bootstrap-like responsive grid system for React.
- React FlexBox Grid - Responsive modifiers enable specifying different column sizes, offsets, alignment and distribution at xs, sm, md & lg viewport widths.
- Redux Form - The best way to manage your form state in Redux
- React Toolbox - Bootstrap your application with beautiful Material Design Components
- JS Coach - This is an opinionated catalog of open source JS packages
- RxJS 5 - Set of libraries to compose async and event-based programs using observable collections in JavaScript
- Redux Observable - Middleware to compose and cancel async actions
- React Intl - React Components for internationalization
- React Intl Redux - Redux binding for React Intl
- Redux Saga - An alternative side effect model for Redux apps
- ARc - Atomic React
- Enzyme - JavaScript Testing utility for React that makes it easier to assert, manipulate, and traverse your React Components' output.
- Jest - Facebook's tool to test react components
- Chai - A BDD / TDD assertion library for node and the browser that can be delightfully paired with any javascript testing framework.
- Mark Erikson react/redux-tests awesome - A set of links for react/redux testing from Mark Erikson