Save the protein and ligand into seperate pdb files:
grep ^ATOM complex.pdb > pro.pdb
grep ^HETATM complex.pdb > lig.pdb
Add hydrogens using other softwares like Avogadro, and save as mol2 format. Then generate Rosetta params (Optional: you can use to generate more accurate charge based on ambertools) -i lig.mol2 -n [charge] lig_bcc_gaff.mol2
/path/of/rosetta/source/scripts/python/public/ \
-n LIG \
--extra_torsion_output lig_bcc_gaff.mol2
Put the protein and ligand structure into a single pdb, and relax in internal coordinates:
cat pro.pdb LIG_0001.pdb > complex.pdb
/path/of/rosetta/source/bin/relax.mpi.linuxgccrelease \
-s complex.pdb \
-extra_res_fa LIG.params \
-relax:constrain_relax_to_start_coords \
-ramp_constraints false \
-relax:coord_constrain_sidechains \
-nstruct 40 \
-ex1 \
-ex2 \
-use_input_sc \
-flip_HNQ \
-no_optH false
Select the structure with the lowest score, fix the ligand with a movemap (not necessary):
RESIDUE [number of ligand] NO
Relax the structure in Cartesian coordinates:
/path/of/rosetta/source/bin/relax.mpi.linuxgccrelease \
-s complex.pdb \
-extra_res_fa LIG.params \
-score:extra_improper_file LIG.tors \
-relax:constrain_relax_to_start_coords \
-ramp_constraints true -relax:coord_constrain_sidechains \
-nstruct 200 \
-ex1 \
-ex2 \
-use_input_sc \
-flip_HNQ \
-no_optH false \
-relax:cartesian \
-score:weights talaris2014_cart \
-in:file:movemap movemap \
We define those residues proximal to the known ligand position (add correct direction) as pocket residues.
/path/of/rosetta/source/bin/gen_lig_grids.mpi.linuxgccrelease \
-s pro.pdb lig.pdb \
-grid_active_res_cutoff 6.0 \
-vector_angle_threshold 90 \
-ignore_zero_occupancy false \
-ignore_unrecognized_res > log
This app will generate pos file and grid file, we only need pos file which has all proximal residues' index, raw distance and angle information can be found in log file.
Using the pos file created by gen_lig_grids, we can now generate mutfile for each residue that passes the geometry filter. The mutfile is defined as
total 1
L 278 Y
The first line starts with total and the number of all mutations, in this case we only have one mutation for one residue so it is always 1. The following block defines one round of calculation which mutates L278 to Y.
First we need to map the pdb residue number to its index
/path/of/rosetta/source/src/python/apps/public/ pro.pdb > pro.fasta pro.fasta >
Then, generate single mutation information line by line pro.pdb_0.pos > mut.list
Finally, create mutfile and a list
mkdir mutfiles mut.list
ls mutfiles/*.mutfile > mutfile.list
All the command lines can be generated by pro_0001.pdb mutfile.list \
[cart_ddg path] \
[-extra_res_fa LIG.params] \
[-score:extra_improper_file LIG.tors] > job.list
The path of command and extra parameter files can be added by options or minor modification in the python script.
Then submit the job.list or simply run
cat job.list | parallel -j [nproc]
The DDG calculation will generate a ddg file for each mutfile. We can parse all the results by
ls *ddg > list > results.txt
There are six column for each mutation
column1: mutation
column2: ΔG_fold
column3: ΔG_bound
column4: ΔΔG
column5: G_bound
column6: G_unbound
Final suggestion list can be selected from the results.