Hotelverse is a hotel management system that allows an organization’s userbase to make accounts to book and manage reservations at hotels that are listed and managed by the organization. The organization has full control over the software and can manage their properties listed, user reservations, and the account system.
Hotelverse is a JavaFx program written using Java for the core logic, FXML using SceneBuilder for the front end, and CSS for the front-end styling. Hotelverse’s back-end is powered with a JDBC connection with a MYSQL Google Cloud database through a socket.
- Product Manager/Developer - Brandon Muller
- William Galindo - Developer/Database Administrator
- Filiberto Rios - Lead developer
For a in depth look at Hotelverse check out the Hotelverse_Report.docx file
Customer Stories
- Customers can create an account and login
- Customers can book reservations via hotel listings
- Customers can modify the dates of their current reservations
- Customers can delete their reservations
- Customers can access their profile and modify all data except email
Employee Stories
- Employees can create an account and login
- Employees can book reservations via hotel listings
- Employees can modify dates of any reservation
- Employees can delete any reservation
- Employees can access their profile and modify all data except email
- Employees add, modify, and delete user accounts
- Employees can add, modify, or delete properties
- Login
- Customers/Employee can login
- Register
- Customers/Employee can create and account
- Register
- Customers/Employee can make a new account
- Create Resevration
- Customers/Employee can view a list of hotels and book a reservation
- Reservation Management
- Customers/Employees can view events they signed up for
- Profile
- Customers/Employees can view and edit their profiles
- Property Management
- Employees can add, modify, or delete properties from the listing
- Account Management
- Employees can add, modify or delete user accounts
- Employee Main Menu
- Employee main menu to jump to each of their user storyscenes
- Customer Main Menu
- Customers main menu to jump to each of their user story scenes
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