Started to organize my dotfiles, it uses symlinks (will try stow or nix in the future). My dotfiles are compatible for Arch, Fedora, Ubuntu, MacOS. This allows me to have the same devex on my main Windows 11 PC using WSL2, Personal laptop using FedoraArch Btw, Work laptop using MacOS. Feel free in trying it out yourself.
- zsh / oh-my-zsh
- zsh plugins:
- zsh-syntax-highlighting
- zsh-autosuggestions
- neovim, lazyvim
- tmux
- ripgrep
- eza
- zoxide
- lolcat/figlet
Don't prefix with sudo
1. tmux source ~/.tmux.conf
2. Install plugins with prefix + I <C-b> I
3. ~p10k configure~
4. source <(fzf --zsh)
- Terminal
iterm2weztermghostty - Window Manager aerospace, sketchybar
- Panel sketchybar
- Shell prompt
- OS • T2Linux
- Window Manager • Hyprland
- Shell • Zsh powerline10k
- Terminal •
WeztermGhostty - Panel • [Waybar]
- Launcher • Rofi
- File Manager • Dolphin
requires manualmake
installation - Install 1password
- Ensure systemd is using linux-t2
- Window Manager • i3-wm
- Shell • Zsh powerline10k
- Terminal • Wezterm
- Panel • Polybar
- Copy wezterm.lua under Windows home directory (C:/Users/jordan/.wezterm.lua)
- Tmux configuration requires updating
- OS a-Shell
- Dunst - notify daemon
- Ranger - launcher
- nvchad - gui ide
- starship - shell
- starship installation