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wowok-ai edited this page May 15, 2024 · 1 revision

Demand is used for personalized demand fulfillment through a reward-based bounty. By offering a reward (bounty), it attracts services that meet the demand. Once a service is picked, its presenter can receive the bounty. If there is no service that meets the criteria, the bounty can be increased, or it can be reclaimed after the reward window period (demand.time_expire).


struct Demand<T:key + store> has key {
    id: UID,
    // Demand description
    description: String,
    // Bounty. Can be dynamically increased via deposit
    bounty: vector,
    // Deadline for accepting present services. After this time, if bounty has not been awarded to the service presenter, it can be reclaimed
    time_expire: Option<u64>, 
    // Conditions that the present service must meet
    guard: Option<address>, 
    // List of present services. Key-value pairs of service id and Tips
    presenters: Table<address, Tips>,
    // The final picked service, and bounty will be paid to the presenter of this service
    yes: Option<address>,
    // Permission table
    permission: address,

struct Tips has store, copy, drop {
    // Recommendation
    tips: String,
    // Presenter, who provided this service information
    who: address,

// Maximum number of bounty shares allowed
const MAX_bounty_COUNT: u64 = 200;
// Maximum number of service presenters allowed
const MAX_PRESENTERS_COUNT: u64 = 200;


Launch demand (shared object)

create<T: key + store>(demand: Demand<T>) : address

Set a new permission. The operation permission must satisfy being the builder of the old permission.

permission_set<T: key + store>(demand: &mut Demand<T>, old: &Permission, new: &Permission, ctx: &mut TxContext)

Deposit bounty reward

deposit<T: key + store>(demand: &mut Demand<T>, bounty: T)

Provide service information for the demand; if the demand guard is set, present_with_passport must be called

present<T: key + store, K>(demand: &mut Demand<T>, service: &Service<K>, tips: String, ctx: &mut TxContext)

Provide service information for the demand, passport is required to pass the demand guard

present_with_passport<T: key + store, K>(passport: &mut Passport, demand: &mut Demand<T>, service: &Service<K>, tips: String, ctx: &mut TxContext)

[Permission index: 260] Create a new demand

new<T: key + store>(description: String, bounty: T, permission: &Permission, ctx: &mut TxContext) : Demand<T>

[Permission index: 261] Reclaim bounty, must satisfy being after the demand.time_expire (if set)

refund<T: key + store>(demand: &mut Demand<T>, clock: &Clock, permission: &Permission, ctx: &mut TxContext)

[Permission index: 262] Extend the time for the demand to accept present services; if demand.time_expire is not yet set, extend it on top of the current transaction time. minutes_duration: the number of minutes to extend

time_expand<T: key + store>(demand: &mut Demand<T>, minutes_duration: u64, clock: &Clock, permission: &Permission, ctx: &mut TxContext)

[Permission index: 263] Set the guard condition for presenting services

guard_set<T: key + store>(demand: &mut Demand<T>, guard: &Guard, permission: &Permission, ctx: &mut TxContext)

[Permission index: 263] Remove the guard condition for presenting services

guard_none<T: key + store>(demand: &mut Demand<T>, permission: &Permission, ctx: &mut TxContext)

[Permission index: 264] Set the description

description_set<T: key + store>(demand: &mut Demand<T>, description: String, permission: &Permission, ctx: &mut TxContext)

[Permission index: 265] Pick a service and pay bounty to the presenter of that service

yes<T: key + store>(demand: &mut Demand<T>, service: address, permission: &Permission, ctx: &mut TxContext)

Operations with passport

new_with_passport<T: key + store>(passport: &mut Passport, description: String, bounty: T, permission: &Permission, ctx: &mut TxContext) : Demand<T>
refund_with_passport<T: key + store>(passport: &mut Passport, demand: &mut Demand<T>, clock: &Clock, permission: &Permission, ctx: &mut TxContext)
time_expand_with_passport<T: key + store>(passport: &mut Passport, demand: &mut Demand<T>, minutes_duration: u64, clock: &Clock, permission: &Permission, ctx: &mut TxContext)
guard_set_with_passport<T: key + store>(passport: &mut Passport, demand: &mut Demand<T>, guard: &Guard, permission: &Permission, ctx: &mut TxContext)
guard_none_with_passport<T: key + store>(passport: &mut Passport, demand: &mut Demand<T>, permission: &Permission, ctx: &mut TxContext)
description_set_with_passport<T: key + store>(passport: &mut Passport, demand: &mut Demand<T>, description: String, permission: &Permission, ctx: &mut TxContext)
yes_with_passport<T: key + store>(passport: &mut Passport, demand: &mut Demand<T>, service: address, permission: &Permission, ctx: &mut TxContext)

On-chain query for Guard

[Query: 1] Demand permission [address]; input: none

[Query: 2] Whether demand.time_expire is set [bool]; input: none

[Query: 3] Demand.time_expire [u64]; must satisfy [query: 2]. input: none

[Query: 4] The portion of demand bounty [u64]; input: none

[Query: 5] Whether demand guard is set [bool]; input: none

[Query: 6] Demand guard id [address]; must satisfy [query: 5]. input: none

[Query: 7] Whether the service has been picked and the bounty has been paid [bool]; input: none

[Query: 8] The picked service demand.yes [address]; must satisfy [query: 7]. input: none

[Query: 9] The number of demand presenters [u64]; input: none

[Query: 10] Whether demand presenters contains a certain service [bool]; input: service id [address]

[Query: 11] The provider's address of a certain service in demand presenters [address]; must satisfy [query: 10]. input: service id [address]


183002: Exceeded the maximum number of reward shares
183004: Reclaiming the reward must be after the time demand.time_expire
183006: A passport is required
183008: The number of demand presenters exceeds the maximum number
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