Utility based on shade, for cleaning up resources from CI runs in tenant on OpenStack cloud.
With shade_janitor you can:
- List resources intended for cleanup
- Cleanup running or powered-off resources
- Cleanup only old resources
- Resources which active for more than 8 hours
- Powered off resources for more than 1 hour
- Permanent labled resources for more than 14 days
- Cleanup resources (new or old) with specific substring
There are couple of restrictions:
- If no instances are running for network resources, they are subject to cleanup
- If an instance is hanginging around for more than 8 hours, it is subject to cleanup
- Don't try to cleanup resources this tenant doesn't control
- Don't touch jenkins or slave instances
In order to connect the cloud shade_janotir requires setting a cloud configuration. Since it uses os-client-config [3], several ways exist:
- environment variables or
- /etc/openstack configuration file or
- ~/.config/openstack configuration file or
- clouds.yaml file located in the shade_janitor directory
export OS_AUTH_URL=
export OS_TENANT_NAME="demo"
export OS_REGION_NAME=""
export OS_USERNAME="demo"
export OS_CLOUD_NAME=my_cloud
profile: my_cloud
username: demo
password: XYZ
project_name: demo
The invocation of shade_janotor is better to be performed from a virtual environment
virtualenv shade-env
. shade-env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python shade_janitor/ --cloud rhos-component-ci --old --cleanup
To list the resources that shade_janitor would cleanup
./ --cloud my_cloud
To cleanup the resources
./ --cloud my_cloud --cleanup
To list the resources that include the substring 'smb'
./ --cloud qeos7 --substring smb
To list old (oldest instance and associated resources)
./ --cloud qeos7 --old
To cleanup old (oldest instance and associated resources)
./ --cloud qeos7 --old --cleanup
Experimental Feature(s):
unused resources --unused
this will look through the current resources and attempt to identify any network resources not associated with IPs or VMs. These sets of resources can then be processed for cleanup.
There is a list of words which will keep your resources from being removed. The words are: 'slave', 'jenkins' and 'mirror'
- Add select_<type_of_resource> in shade_janotir/ and call it from select_resources function
- Add a dry cleanup in shade_janitor/
- Add a real cleanup in shade_janitor/
- Add resource counter in shade_janitor/
- Add unit tests in shade_janitor/tests