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Xatkit Alexa Platform

Gwendal Daniel edited this page Oct 11, 2019 · 6 revisions

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Create an Alexa Skill server and respond to the user using the Xatkit defined intent library.


Provider Type Context Parameters Description
AlexaIntentProvider Intent - alexa.request_id: the unique identifier of the Alexa single request
- alexa.username: the full name (empty if not available from permissions) of the Amazon user that sent the request
- alexa.user_id: the Alexa unique identifier of the user that sent the request
- alexa.session_id: the Alexa unique identifier of the ongoing and active conversation for the user
- <<sessionId>>: A generated unique context containing all the replies per conversation. Used by the Reply action mechanism
Receive messages from Alexa requests and translates them into Xatkit-compatible intents.


Action Parameters Return Return Type Description
Reply - message (String): the content of the PlainText that has to be spoken by Alexa devices null Integer Creates a session variable storing the reply message to be sent back to Alexa as a PlainText


The Alexa platform supports the following configuration options

Key Values Description Constraint
xatkit.alexa.invocationMessage String The message that Xatkit uses to respond back to the user once the Alexa skill is launched. Optional
xatkit.alexa.responseNotFoundMessage String The message that Xatkit uses to respond back to Alexa in the case something wrong happens during the processing of the request Optional


Check our tutorial here to know how to deploy an Alexa skill and connect it to Xatkit

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