The Darius Bot offers a variety of commands to enhance the experience of a Discord server. Below are the commands organized by categories for ease of use.
- After downloading the files and installing the dependencies, create a .env file in the project root
- Enter two parameters, "TOKEN" and "MONGOURL" which will be the bot token and the url for accessing mongo respectively.
These commands are intended for server administrators.
Ban a user from the server.
Hides the channel from users.
Kicks a user from the server.
Prevents users from sending messages in the channel.
Shows server logs.
Removes the music channel.
Set a channel to be the music channel. All music commands can only be used on the music channel.
Change the bot prefix.
Allows users to view the channel.
Allows users to repost messages on the channel.
These commands are aimed at anime lovers.
Search for an anime.
Search for a manga.
Shows the list of animes for the next season.
Darius will recommend an anime for you.
Darius will recommend a manga for you.
Shows the list of animes from the current season.
Shows the list of Top Animes from MyAnimeList.
These commands can only be used by the bot owner.
Add a server or member to the blacklist.
Change the bot name.
Shows all commands that can only be used by the bot owner.
Adds a command to maintenance.
Shows the list of bot servers.
Executes a command as caller.
These commands offer fun and entertainment.
Displays a photo of a kitten.
Displays a kiss message with someone random (very cringe).
Available colors: red, yellow, green, blue, orange, black, darkblue. Use: say + color + message to type in color.
Shows a random waifu.
!word search
Traditional word search.
Traditional hangman game.
Traditional tic-tac-toe game.
Traditional game of rock, paper and scissors.
Start the shuffling game.
These commands allow you to control music playback on the server.
Play the previous song again.
Clears all songs in the queue.
Manage your personalized playlist.
Leaves the current song on loop.
Leaves the current queue in a loop.
Search for the lyrics of a desired song.
Moves a song to a specific position in the queue.
Shows the song currently playing.
Pause the current song.
Plays the desired song on the user's current channel.
Put a song first in the queue.
Shows the songs in the queue.
Remove a desired song from the queue.
Play the paused song again.
Search for a song in the queue.
Search YouTube and play the desired song.
Advance or rewind to the desired minute.
Shuffles the current queue.
Skip to the next song.
Skip to a specific song in the song queue.
For playing music on the server.
These are different commands for different purposes.
Deletes the current queue and destroys the bot connection.
Displays your avatar.
Traditional calculator.
Displays a list of all commands.
Displays ping.
Displays server information.
Translates a text into the desired language.
Displays information about a user.