this is an A* pathfinder that can use area preferences (like sticking to a road and avoinding mud areas for example) by having movement penalties associated with certain areas that you can put into a layer
this is a video showcasing the different stuff that you can do with it
create a platform and obstacles and ADD colliders to them and group them into layers (for example : Grass, Mud, Road..ect)
1 - create an empty game object and name it A* (or whatever you like)
2 - Add a script called 'Grid' to it and set up its parameters as you want them to be
1 - create a cube or any other mesh with a collider and add the script 'Unit' to it and set up its parameters as you like
2 - for the target field in the 'Unit' script you can add the transform of the object that you want your seeker to seek