A clean, safe, user-friendly implementation of GraphQL's Dataloader, written with generics in go.
- written in generics with strong type
- nearly same interface with original nodejs version dataloader
- promise like thunk design, simply call
val, err := loader.Load(ctx, id).Get(ctx)
- customizable cache, easily wrap lru.
- customizable scheduler, can manual dispatch, or use time window (default)
- go >= 1.18
package main
import (
type ExampleData struct {
Message string
// batch load function is provided by user
// incoming context is the context when create the loader
// return value can set either Result.Value or Result.Error
func batchLoadFn(ctx context.Context, keys []string) []dataloader.Result[*ExampleData] {
result := make([]dataloader.Result[*ExampleData], len(keys))
for index, key := range keys {
result[index] = dataloader.Result[*ExampleData]{
Value: &ExampleData{
Message: fmt.Sprintf("Hello %s", key),
return result
func main() {
ctx := context.Background()
// context is the dataloader belong to
// first generics type is the type of key
// second generics type is the type of value
// third generics type is cache key
// user can provide custom cache function to map orignal key to other
loader := dataloader.New[string, *ExampleData, string](ctx, batchLoadFn)
// load is a synchronize function return a promise like thunk
thunk := loader.Load(ctx, "World")
// get will wait until thunk value or error is set
val, err := thunk.Get(ctx)
fmt.Printf("value: %v, err: %v\n", val, err)
- Examples
- Docs
- Support hooks for observability
- Rewrite tests with mock