The goal of this project to build a web and mobile app which will diagnose lung diseases from chest x-ray image using deep learning. It will also guide radiologists to make fast and accurate diagnose by segmented and showing heat-map of the chest X-Ray images prior to classifying them.
Project is created with:
- Python: 3.8
- Tensorflow: 2.4.1
- Flask: 1.1.2
- React: 17.0.1
- Flutter: 1.22.6
To run this project, install it locally using pip:
$ mkvirtualenv chest_xray
$ workon chest_xray
$ pip install requirnments.txt
$ cd ./web_app
$ npm install
Donwload the following datasets and store them inside ./chest_xray/dataset.
$ cd ./chest_xray
$ python
$ python
$ python
$ python --image example.png --model model.hdf5
$ run the Lung Disease Detection jupyter notebook (alternative)
$ cd ./web_app
$ npm start
On new terminal
$ export
$ python -m flask run