Nopcommerce does only support timer based tasks like every n seconds. This app will fix that missing feature.
It is working fine using Nopcommerce 4.2 version. should function for other versions too. (might need small modifications)
This is my "hello world" app for go language.
- Set your "CONN_STR" environment variable or "ConnectionString" field in your config.json file.
- Add "CronExpression" column to your "ScheduleTask" table.
ALTER TABLE [ScheduleTask]
ADD [CronExpression] nvarchar(512) NULL;
- Add return statement at the beginning of your "Nop.Services/Tasks/TaskManager.Initialize()" method like below. (or make it configurable)
public void Initialize()
var taskService = EngineContext.Current.Resolve<IScheduleTaskService>();
You can use following command in your terminal.
# build app
go build ./cmd/task-scheduler/
# run