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๐ invenio-access (3.0.2 -> 4.0.0โ ๏ธ ) release: v4.0.0 setup: bump major dependencies ๐ invenio-accounts (5.1.7 -> 6.0.0โ ๏ธ ) release: v6.0.0 fix: cookie_app and users not using same app * the problem is since cookie_app and users use different app one closes the connection to the database first which is bad fix: add translation flag for publishing setup: bump major dependencies ๐ invenio-administration (2.9.0 -> 3.0.0โ ๏ธ ) release: v3.0.0 setup: change to reusable workflows setup: bump major dependencies ๐ invenio-app (1.5.1 -> 2.0.0โ ๏ธ ) release: v2.0.0 factory: change to new TRUSTS_HOSTS from flask * flask>=3.1.0 introduced a new configuration variable TRUSTS_HOSTS. this removes the necessity to use APP_ALLOWED_HOSTS and the code around it. setup: bump major dependencies ๐ invenio-app-rdm (13.0.0b1.dev24 -> 13.0.0b2.dev0โ ๏ธ ) release: v13.0.0b2.dev0 setup: remove flask pin setup: change to reusable workflows setup: bump major dependencies release: v13.0.0b1.dev25 doi: handle UI for optional DOI feature theme: put banner message below other objects pages: do not create a static page if it already exists ๐ invenio-assets (3.1.0 -> 4.0.0โ ๏ธ ) release: v4.0.0 setup: bump invenio dependencies ๐ invenio-banners (3.2.0 -> 4.0.0โ ๏ธ ) release: v4.0.0 fix: make github actions work again * the dependencies on github actions couldn't be resolved without that setup: change to reusable workflows setup: bump major dependencies ๐ invenio-base (1.4.0 -> 2.0.0โ ๏ธ ) release: v2.0.0 setup: set flask,werkzeug min version * flask-alembic >= v3.0.0 (dependency of invenio-db) needs flask>=3.0. flask-alembic >= v3.0.0 is required because otherwise the removable of 'db' property in flask-sqlalchemy is a problem * the test if could be removed because of the min version now supported jws: move functionality from itsdangerous * itsdangerous v2.1.0 removes the jws functionality. to have an easy follow up without rewrite the functionality has been copy pasted setup: remove upper pins ๐ invenio-cache (1.3.1 -> 2.0.0โ ๏ธ ) release: v2.0.0 setup: replace invenio-accounts with flask-login * this breaks circular dependencies setup: bump major dependencies ๐ invenio-celery (1.3.2 -> 2.0.0โ ๏ธ ) release: v2.0.0 setup: change to reusable workflows setup: bump invenio dependencies fix: celery deprecation warning * CPendingDeprecationWarning: The broker_connection_retry configuration setting will no longer determine whether broker connection retries are made during startup in Celery 6.0 and above. If you wish to retain the existing behavior for retrying connections on startup, you should set broker_connection_retry_on_startup to True. * celery/celery#8314 setup: increase celery dep ๐ invenio-communities (17.7.1 -> 18.0.0.dev1โ ๏ธ ) ๐ฆ release: v17.7.1 schema: skip unknown fields when loading organizations ๐ฆ release: v17.7.0 release: v18.0.0.dev1 fix: docs reference target not found setup: change to reusable workflows setup: bump major dependencies ๐ invenio-db (1.3.1 -> 2.0.0โ ๏ธ ) release: v2.0.0 uow: possible solution for the rollback problem * the rollback should only rollback whats in that savepoint. using session.begin_nested creates a subtransaction which can then rolledback fix: select of BinaryExpressions * sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError: Column expression, FROM clause, or other columns clause element expected, got [<sqlalchemy.sql.elements.BinaryExpression object at 0x7fa3a0>, <sqlalchemy.sql.elements.BinaryExpression object at 0x7fa3ad246690>]. Did you mean to say select(<sqlalchemy.sql.elements.BinaryExpression object at 0x7fa3b1145c10>, <sqly.sql.elements.BinaryExpression object at 0x7fa3ad246690>) don't give the array to the select but give the elements to the select method * AttributeError: 'Engine' object has no attribute 'execute' -> change to session * TypeError: scoped_session.execute() got an unexpected keyword argument 'a' -> change to dict setup: increase flask-alembic * flask-alembic >= 3.0 needs flask >= 3.0 and flask-sqlalchemy >= 3.0 * added some explanation comments * apply db.session.query over Model.query syntax setup: increase min sqlalchemy dependency * apply new correct return values to cli calls * refactor code * remove unused code cli: password is per default hided * this leads to the problem that the program couldn't connect to the database refactor: move MockEntryPoint to independent file * this change makes it possible to import the MockEntryPoints from an independend file. this class is used in two tests but defined in one of them. placing it into a separated file makes it independent. setup: remove upper pins fix: VARCHAR needs length on mysql fix: remove warning and black problems * added D202, pydocstyle and black do not habe the same opinion * remove warning by using StringEncryptedType instead of EncryptedType. This removes a warning and there is further a notice in the code that the base type of EncryptedType will change in the future and it is better to replace it with StringEncryptedType fix: WeakKeyDictionary * the error indicates that db.init_app is not called, but it is and it works in other contexts. It may that the `db = invenio_db = shared.db` line in is not working as expected anymore. The only found solution is this. The drawback is, if that is the only solution it has to be done also in the other packages which are using this function. With the default value it is backward compatible but as the tests indicates it may not work without adding the db parameter to the function call change: add proxy file * use the proxy file instead of creating the _db variable in both files * this removes a DeprecationWarning from flask-sqlalchemy, which states that the support of the use '.db' will be removed change: remove click 3 compatibility fix: tests LocalProxy * it is not working anymore with localproxy and it seams not necessary setup: increase flask-sqlalchemy version ๐ invenio-drafts-resources (5.1.0 -> 6.0.0โ ๏ธ ) release: v6.0.0 setup: change to reusable workflows setup: bump major dependencies ๐ invenio-files-rest (2.2.4 -> 3.0.0โ ๏ธ ) release: v3.0.0 filename: replace encoding/decoding fix: alembic assert error * AssertionError: assert not [[('modify_type', None, 'files_objecttags', 'key', {'existing_comment': None, 'existing_nullable': False, 'existing_server_default': False}, TEXT(), ...)]] * newer sqlalchemy + alembic is complaining about the mismatch between model and alembic recipe fix: max content type fix: werkzeug changed raise handling for tests * werkzeug is not more raising exceptions but giving it to the response which is more like http requests work fix: docs reference target not found fix: filename is marked as byte setup: bump invenio dependencies ๐ invenio-formatter (2.0.4 -> 3.0.0โ ๏ธ ) release: v3.0.0 setup: bump major dependencies ๐ invenio-github (1.5.4 -> 2.0.0โ ๏ธ ) release: v2.0.0 comp: make compatible to flask-sqlalchemy>=3.1 setup: bump major dependencies ๐ invenio-i18n (2.2.0 -> 3.0.0โ ๏ธ ) release: v3.0.0 setup: update dependencies ๐ invenio-indexer (2.4.0 -> 3.0.0โ ๏ธ ) release: v3.0.0 setup: change to reusable workflows setup: bump major dependencies ๐ invenio-jobs (1.1.1 -> 3.0.0.dev1โ ๏ธ ) release: v3.0.0.dev1 fix: tests by skipping alembic fix: alembic problem * ('modify_type', None, 'jobs_run', 'status', {'existing_comment': None, 'existing_nullable': False, 'existing_server_default': False}, CHAR(length=1), ...)]]) comp: make compatible to flask-sqlalchemy>=3.1 setup: change to reusable workflows setup: bump major dependencies tasks: use utcnow ๐ฆ release: v1.1.1 tasks: use utcnow release: v2.0.0 job: refactor args * adds PredefinedArgsSchema schema class with predefined args, including `since`. * changes JobType public/private interface to make it easier to define your own job types * logs celery tasks error message and shows it in the UI * removes unused code ๐ invenio-jsonschemas (1.1.5 -> 2.0.0โ ๏ธ ) release: v2.0.0 fix: JsonRef not serializable * TypeError: Object of type JsonRef is not JSON serializable setup: bump major dependencies ๐ invenio-logging (2.1.4 -> 4.0.2โ ๏ธ ) ๐ฆ release: v4.0.2 sentry: move imports inside extension class initializer ๐ฆ release: v2.1.4 sentry: move imports inside extension class initializer ๐ฆ release: v4.0.1 sentry: import-detect sentry_sdk usage ๐ฆ release: v2.1.3 sentry: import-detect sentry_sdk usage release: v3.0.0 setup: bump invenio dependencies release: v3.0.0 setup: change sentry_sdk to sentry * sentry_sdk could make problem, sentry-sdk too. last release had to be yanked because of that problem. changing to sentry only should fix it ๐ invenio-mail (2.1.1 -> 2.2.0 ๐) release: v2.2.0 Add exception handling and retry mechanism (inveniosoftware/invenio-mail#67) * Add exception handling and retry mechanism. * Retry with exponential backoff with random jitter to prevent "Thundering herd problem". ๐ invenio-notifications (0.6.1 -> 1.0.0โ ๏ธ ) release: v1.0.0 setup: bump major dependencies ๐ invenio-oaiserver (2.3.0 -> 3.1.0โ ๏ธ ) ๐ฆ release: v3.1.0 percolator: use `OAISERVER_RECORD_INDEX` to determine percolator index * Instead of relying on the default `RecordIndexer` class to determine the percolator index, we reuse the `OAISERVER_RECORD_INDEX` config variable. ๐ฆ release: v2.3.0 percolator: use `OAISERVER_RECORD_INDEX` to determine percolator index * Instead of relying on the default `RecordIndexer` class to determine the percolator index, we reuse the `OAISERVER_RECORD_INDEX` config variable. setup: change to reusable workflows release: v3.0.0 fix: tests, apply invenio-indexer change fix: docs reference target not found setup: change to reusable workflows setup: bump major dependencies ๐ invenio-oauth2server (2.3.1 -> 3.0.0โ ๏ธ ) release: v3.0.0 setup: move to flask-oauthlib-invenio global: replace werkzeug.url with urllib.parse * replacing werkzeug.url with urllib.parse makes also _compat and monkeypatching obsolete and therefore has been removed fix: LegacyAPIWarning * The Query.get() method is considered legacy as of the 1.x series of SQLAlchemy and becomes a legacy construct in 2.0. The method is now available as Session.get() (deprecated since: 2.0) (Background on SQLAlchemy 2.0 at: fix: DeprecationWarning: * The 'EncryptedType' class will change implementation from 'LargeBinary' to 'String' in a future version. Use 'StringEncryptedType' to use the 'String' implementation. setup: bump major dependencies release: v2.4.1 setup: change to reusable workflows setup: pin dependencies release: v2.4.0 global: remove six usage * replace six with builtin compatibility: to werkzeug >= 2.3.0 setup: unpin wtforms dependency * wtforms: apply changed api fix: DeprecationWarning HTMLString * 'HTMLString' will be removed in WTForms 3.0. Use 'markupsafe.Markup' instead. * this is a step to remove the upper pin to <= 3.0.0 Settings: update page to reflect additional required parameter ๐ invenio-oauthclient (4.1.3 -> 5.1.0โ ๏ธ ) release: v5.1.0 fix: DeprecationWarning: * The 'EncryptedType' class will change implementation from 'LargeBinary' to 'String' in a future version. Use 'StringEncryptedType' to use the 'String' implementation. fix: TypeError * op.execute() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given setup: move to flask-oauthlib-invenio release: v5.0.0 fix: sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError: * Strings are not accepted for attribute names in loader options; please use class-bound attributes directly. * sqlalchemy >= 2.0 global: use invenio_base.jws not itsdangerous setup: bump major dependencies ๐ invenio-pages (4.1.2 -> 5.0.0โ ๏ธ ) release: v5.0.0 comp: make compatible to flask-sqlalchemy>=3.1 setup: bump major dependencies ๐ invenio-pidstore (1.3.4 -> 2.0.0โ ๏ธ ) release: v2.0.0 fix: docs reference target not found setup: bump invenio dependencies ๐ invenio-previewer (2.2.2 -> 3.0.0โ ๏ธ ) release: v3.0.0 fix: tests, compatibility with sqlalchemy>=2 * session handling problem setup: bump major dependencies release: v2.3.0 zip: move fullscreen.js to fix the zip previewer * the zip previewer still referenced fullscreen.js via its old location * move the open_pdf.js as well, to not have a directory for a single file pdfjs: upgrade to pdf.js v4 * the new assets are basically vanilla js targeting the browser already * this doesn't require a build step and allows the assets to be placed in the static directory, avoiding a build step and allowing for deduplication across themes * the jinja template is also deduplicated similarly, by being placed outside of any theme directory * implemented functionality with pdfjs-dist v4: > page navigation: previous/next/jump > zoom > fullscreen ๐ invenio-rdm-records (16.4.2 -> 17.0.0.dev1โ ๏ธ ) ๐ฆ release: v16.4.2 rights: fix serialize condition for controlled license release: v17.0.0.dev1 fix: flask-sqlalchemy.pagination >= 3.0.0 * this is a compatibility fix. the old compatibility commit was wrong. they are not interchangable comp: make compatible to flask-sqlalchemy>=3.1 setup: change to reusable workflows setup: bump major dependencies doi: handle UI for optional DOI feature ๐ invenio-records (2.4.1 -> 3.0.2โ ๏ธ ) release: v3.0.2 fix: the correct handling is done in the iterator * the thinking of handling negative revision numbers in this line with the list was wrong release: v3.0.1 fix: alembic recipe column not altered * produces error on the ext.alembic.compare_metadata() test on other packages release: v3.0.0 fix: docs reference target not found fix: IndexError: negative indexes not allowed * IndexError: negative indexes are not accepted by SQL index / slice operators * sqlalchemy >= 2.0.0 removed the possibility to have negative indices setup: change to reusable workflows setup: bump major dependencies ๐ invenio-records-permissions (0.22.0 -> 1.0.0โ ๏ธ ) release: v1.0.0 setup: bump major dependencies ๐ invenio-records-resources (6.5.0 -> 7.0.0โ ๏ธ ) release: v7.0.0 setup: change to reusable workflows setup: bump major dependencies ๐ invenio-records-rest (2.4.1 -> 3.0.0โ ๏ธ ) release: v3.0.0 setup: change to reusable workflows setup: bump major dependencies ๐ invenio-records-ui (1.2.2 -> 2.0.0โ ๏ธ ) release: v2.0.0 setup: bump major dependencies ๐ invenio-requests (5.5.0 -> 6.0.0.dev1โ ๏ธ ) release: v6.0.0.dev1 fix: sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError * Textual SQL expression 'SELECT setval(pg_get_seri...' should be explicitly declared as text('SELECT setval(pg_get_seri...') comp: make compatible to flask-sqlalchemy>=3.1 setup: bump major dependencies ๐ invenio-rest (1.5.0 -> 2.0.0โ ๏ธ ) release: v2.0.0 fix: set_cookie needs a str fix: cookie_jar not in FlaskClient * there was a refactoring done in werkzeug see pallets/werkzeug#2637 fix: set_cookie needs a str * but the tests are using the _get_new_csrf_token directly too and then a byte value is returned which is wrong global: remove try except for jws * increase itsdangerous and use invenio-base for jws now exclusively since invenio-base has been upgraded to >=2.0.0 setup: bump major dependencies ๐ invenio-search (2.4.1 -> 3.0.0โ ๏ธ ) release: v3.0.0 fix: tests * that is a proactive fix. it happens locally but not really on github. this should be reconsidered. setup: change to reusable workflows setup: bump major dependencies ๐ invenio-search-ui (3.0.1 -> 4.0.0โ ๏ธ ) release: v4.0.0 refactor: blueprint creation to new style setup: bump major dependencies ๐ invenio-stats (4.2.1 -> 5.0.0โ ๏ธ ) release: v5.0.0 setup: bump major dependencies ๐ invenio-theme (3.5.1 -> 4.0.1โ ๏ธ ) ๐ฆ release: v4.0.1 form: some UI fixed for the deposit form release: v4.0.0 setup: bump major dependencies ๐ invenio-userprofiles (3.0.1 -> 4.0.0โ ๏ธ ) release: v4.0.0 setup: bump major dependencies ๐ invenio-users-resources (6.1.3 -> 7.0.0.dev1โ ๏ธ ) release: v7.0.0.dev1 setup: change to reusable workflows setup: bump major dependencies ๐ฆ release: v6.1.3 services: explicitly set max results to 10,000 for admin user search ๐ฆ release: v6.1.2 ๐ฆ release: v6.1.3 services: explicitly set max results to 10,000 for admin user search ๐ฆ release: v6.1.2 ๐ invenio-vocabularies (6.9.0 -> 7.0.0.dev1โ ๏ธ ) release: v7.0.0.dev1 comp: make compatible to flask-sqlalchemy>=3.1 setup: change to reusable workflows setup: bump major dependencies release: v6.10.1 names: drop unique constraint on internal id release: v6.10.0 names: add internal id to identify the names
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