To start this deployment, we will run:
# Get resources
git clone --single-branch --branch gh-pages
sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -y install siege
sudo apt update; sudo apt -y install python3-pip # install pip if not already installed
python3 -m pip install kubernetes
wget -O k8s-ml/app/model.keras
ls -l k8s-ml/app/model.keras
# Build docker
docker build -t ml-app:0.0.1 ~/k8s-ml/app
docker tag ml-app:0.0.1 node-0:5000/ml-app:0.0.1
docker push node-0:5000/ml-app:0.0.1
echo http://$(curl -s
sudo systemctl stop firewalld.service
docker run -p 32000:5000 node-0:5000/ml-app:0.0.1
docker ps -f ancestor=node-0:5000/ml-app:0.0.1 // crtl+c & check no longer running
# Start deployment
kubectl apply -f ~/k8s-ml/deploy_hpa/deployment_hpa.yaml
Let's check the status of the service. Run the command:
kubectl get svc -o wide
and then
kubectl get pods -o wide
Initially, you will see one pod in the deployment. Wait until the pod is "Running" and has a "1/1" in the "Ready" column.
Get the URL of the service - run
echo http://$(curl -s
copy and paste this URL into your browser's address bar, and verify that your app is up and running there.
You will need two SSH sessions on node-0. In one, run
kubectl get hpa --watch
to see the current state of the autoscaler.
In the second SSH session, run
siege -c 10 -t 360s http://$(curl -s
screen -d -m python3 /home/cc/ -d 2400 -o /home/cc/resource_usage.csv
screen -d -m bash /home/cc/
tail load_output.csv
tail resource_usage.csv
Note that this test is of a longer duration, so that you will have time to observe additional replicas being brought up and becoming ready to use.
When you are done with your experiment, make sure to delete the deployment and services. To delete, run the command:
kubectl delete -f ~/k8s-ml/deploy_hpa/deployment_hpa.yaml
kubectl get pods -o wide
and verify that (eventually) no pods are running your app.
Also, re-enable the firewall:
sudo systemctl start firewalld.service