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A Memory-efficient, Visualization-enhanced, and Parallel-accelerated Tool For Genome-Wide Association Study

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A Memory-efficient, Visualization-enhanced, and Parallel-accelerated Tool for Genome-Wide Association Study


Lilin Yin, Haohao Zhang, Zhiwu Zhang, Xinyun Li, Xiaohui Yuan, Shuhong Zhao, Xiaolei Liu


[[email protected]](Xiaolei Liu)



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MVP can be installed on Windows and Linux/Mac with following steps, respectively:

Online installation(Windows only)

MVP can be installed with following R codes:

#if "devtools" isn't installed, please "install.packages('devtools')" first.
> devtools::install_version('RcppEigen', version = "")
> devtools::install_github("hclimente/snpStats")
> devtools::install_github("jaredhuling/rfunctions")
> devtools::install_github("xiaoleiLiubio/MVP")

Offline installation(Linux only)

  1. Download the MVP offline installation package on the releases page
  2. Unzip the installation package
  3. Run the installation script MVPinstall.r
$ wget
$ unzip
$ cd packages
$ R
> source("MVPinstall.r")

After installed successfully, MVP can be loaded by typing

> library(MVP)

Typing ?MVP could get the details of all parameters.

Data Preparation


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Taxa trait1 trait2 trait3
33-16 101.5 0.25 0
38-11 102.7 0.23 1
4226 101.2 -0.17 1
4722 105.5 -0.24 0
A188 108.1 0.57 1
A214N 95.13 0.87 0
A239 100.2 -0.16 1

PLINK binary

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If you have genotype data in PLINK Binary format (details see  

fileBed, name of genotype data in PLINK Binary format
fileKin, TRUE or FALSE, if TRUE, kinship matrix represents relationship among individuals will be calculated
filePC, TRUE or FALSE, if TRUE, principal component analysis will be performed
out, prefix of output file
priority, "speed" or "memory", the "speed" mode is faster but uses more memory while "memory" is slower but uses less memory
maxLine, number, if priority = "memory", it is the number of markers read into memory



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If you have genotype data in VCF format:
fileVCF, name of genotype data in VCF format
filePhe, name of phenotype data
vcf.jump, number of annotation (Header) rows in VCF file
sep.vcf, seperator of vcf file
sep.phe, seperator of phenotype file
fileKin, TRUE or FALSE, if TRUE, kinship matrix represents relationship among individuals will be calculated
filePC, TRUE or FALSE, if TRUE, principal component analysis will be performed
out, the prefix of output file
maxLine, number, if priority = "memory", it is the number of markers read into memory

##INFO=<ID=PR,Number=0,Type=Flag,Description="Provisional reference allele, may not be based on real reference genome">
1	1	10000235	A	C	.	.	PR	GT	0/1	0/0	0/0	0/0	0/0	0/1
1	1	10000345	A	G	.	.	PR	GT	0/0	0/0	0/0	0/0	1/1	1/1
1	1	10004575	G	.	.	.	PR	GT	0/0	0/0	0/0	0/0	0/0	0/0
1	1	10006974	C	T	.	.	PR	GT	0/0	0/0	0/1	1/1	0/1	1/1
1	1	10006986	A	G	.	.	PR	GT	0/0	0/0	0/1	./.	1/1	1/1


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If you have genotype data in Hapmap format:

fileHMP, a string or a string vector, e.g. fileHMP = "hapmap.txt" or fileHMP = c("chr1.hmp.txt", "chr2.hmp.txt", "chr3.hmp.txt")
filePhe, name of phenotype file
sep.hmp, seperator of hapmap file
sep.phe, seperator of phenotype file
SNP.effect, "Add" or "Dom"
fileKin, TRUE or FALSE, if TRUE, kinship matrix represents relationship among individuals will be calculated
filePC, TRUE or FALSE, if TRUE, principal component analysis will be performed
out, the prefix of output file
priority, "speed" or "memory", the 'speed' mode is faster but uses more memory while 'memory' is slower but uses less memory
maxLine, number, if priority = "memory", it is the number of markers read into memory


rs# alleles chrom pos strand assembly# center protLSID assayLSID panelLSID QCcode 33-16 38-11 4226 4722 A188 ... A239
rs3683945 G/A 1 3197400 + NA NA NA NA NA NA AG AG GG AG GG ... AA
rs3707673 A/G 1 3407393 + NA NA NA NA NA NA GA GA AA GA AA ... GG
rs6269442 G/A 1 3492195 + NA NA NA NA NA NA AG GG GG AG GG ... AA
rs6336442 G/A 1 3580634 + NA NA NA NA NA NA AG AG GG AG GG ... AA
rs13475699 G 1 3860406 + NA NA NA NA NA NA GG GG GG GG GG ... GG

If you have more than one hapmap file, such as "hmp.chr1.txt", "hmp.chr2.txt", "hmp.chr3.txt", ... , "hmp.chr10.txt"

MVP.Data(fileHMP=c("hmp.chr1.txt", "hmp.chr2.txt", "hmp.chr3.txt", "hmp.chr4.txt", "hmp.chr5.txt", "hmp.chr6.txt", "hmp.chr7.txt", "hmp.chr8.txt", "hmp.chr9.txt", "hmp.chr10.txt"),


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If you have genotype data in Numeric (m * n, m rows and n columns, m is the number of SNPs, n is the number of individuals) format:  

fileNum, name of genotype data in Numeric format
filePhe, name of phenotype file
fileMap, name of map file, a header should be added, e.g. SNP Chr Pos
sep.num, seperator of Numeric file
sep.phe, seperator of phenotype file
type.geno, the type of data in Numeric file, "char", "integer", or "double"
fileKin, TRUE or FALSE, if TRUE, kinship matrix represents relationship among individuals will be calculated
filePC, TRUE or FALSE, if TRUE, principal component analysis will be performed
out, the prefix of output file
priority, "speed" or "memory", the "speed" mode is faster but uses more memory while "memory" is slower but uses less memory
maxLine, number, if priority = "memory", it is the number of markers read into memory

Numeric.txt Map.txt
1 1 2 1 2 0
1 1 0 1 0 2
1 2 2 1 2 0
1 1 2 1 2 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
SNP Chr Pos
rs3683945 1 3197400
rs3707673 1 3407393
rs6269442 1 3492195
rs6336442 1 3580634
rs13475699 1 3860406


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If you have Kinship matrix data that represents the relationship among individuals

fileKin, name of Kinship matrix data, the dimension is n * n (n is sample size), no taxa names included
type.kin, type of data in Kinship matrix file, "char", "integer", or "double" and "double" is default
sep.kin, seperator of Kinship file


0.3032 -0.0193 0.0094 0.0024 0.0381 ... -0.0072
-0.0193 0.274 -0.0243 0.0032 -0.0081 ... 0.0056
0.0094 -0.0243 0.3207 -0.0071 -0.0045 ... -0.0407
0.0024 0.0032 -0.0071 0.321 -0.008 ... -0.0093
0.0381 -0.0081 -0.0045 -0.008 0.3498 ... -0.0238
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
-0.0072 0.0056 -0.0407 -0.0093 -0.0238 ... 0.3436

Principal Components

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If you have Principal Components data

filePC, name of Principal Components matrix data, the dimension is n * nPC (n is sample size, nPC is number of first columns of PCs), no taxa names and header row included
type.pc, type of data in Principal Components matrix file, "char", "integer", or "double", default is "double"
sep.pc, seperator of Principal Components file


0.010175524 -0.037989071 0.009588312
-0.009138673 -0.036763080 -0.006396714
-0.004723734 -0.047837625 0.021687731
0.012887843 -0.048418352 0.054298850
0.003871951 -0.038070387 0.008020508
-0.079505846 0.005818163 -0.206364549

Data Input


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At least you should prepare three datasets: genotype, phenotype, and map

genotype, genotype data generated by 'MVP.Data' function
phenotype, phenotype data, the first column is taxa name and second column is phenotype value
map, SNP map information, the first column is SNP name, the second column is Chromosome ID, the third column is phsical position

genotype <- attach.big.matrix("mvp.geno.desc")
phenotype <- read.table("mvp.phe",head=TRUE)
map <- read.table("" , head = TRUE)


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You can give MVP the prepared Kinship matrix and Covariates data generated by 'MVP.Data' function
Kinship, Kinship matrix, the dimension of Kinship matrix is n * n (n is sample size), no taxa names included
Covariates, Covariates matrix, the dimension of Covariates matrix is n * nCV (n is sample size, nCV is number of covariates, no taxa names and header row included

Kinship <- attach.big.matrix("mvp.kin.desc")
Covariates <- attach.big.matrix("mvp.pc.desc")

If you have prepared Kinship matrix and Covariates data generated by other software packages, see Kinship and Principal Components

Start GWAS

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Three models are included in MVP package: General Linear Model (GLM), Mixed Linear Model (MLM), and FarmCPU.

phe, phenotype data
geno, genotype data
map, map data
K, Kinship matrix
CV.GLM, Covariates added in GLM
CV.MLM, Covariates added in MLM
CV.FarmCPU, Covariates added in FarmCPU
please attention that if nPC.GLM > 0, no PCs should be added in CV.GLM
nPC.GLM, number of first columns of Principal Components added in GLM
please attention that if nPC.MLM > 0, no PCs should be added in CV.MLM
nPC.MLM, number of first columns of Principal Components added in MLM
please attention that if nPC.FarmCPU > 0, no PCs should be added in CV.FarmCPU
nPC.FarmCPU, number of first columns of Principal Components added in FarmCPU
perc, percentage of random selected SNPs used for calculating Principal Components
priority, "speed" or "memory"
ncpus, number of CPUs used for parallel computation
vc.method, method of variance components analysis, two methods are avaiblable, "EMMA" (Kang, 2008, Genetics) and "GEMMA" (HE Regression, Xiang Zhou, 2016, doi:
maxLoop, a parameter for FarmCPU only, the maximum iterations allowed in FarmCPU
method.bin, a parameter for FarmCPU only, three options are available: "FaST-LMM","EMMA", and "static"
permutation.threshold, if TRUE, a threshold of permutation will be used in manhattan plot. The phenotypes are permuted to break the relationship with the genotypes. The experiment is replicated for a number of times. A vector of minimum p value of all experiments is recorded and the 95% quantile value of this vector is recommended to be used as significant threshold
permutation.rep, number of permutaion replicates, only used when permutation.threshold is TRUE
threshold, 0.05/marker size, a cutoff line on manhattan plot
method, models for association tests, three models are available in MVP, "GLM", "MLM", and "FarmCPU", one or two or three models can be selected for assocation tests

imMVP <- MVP(
    method.bin="FaST-LMM",#"FaST-LMM","EMMA", "static"
    method=c("GLM", "MLM", "FarmCPU")

If you have more than one phenotype

for(i in 2:ncol(phenotype)){
  imMVP <- MVP(
    phe=phenotype[, c(1, i)],
    method.bin="FaST-LMM",#"FaST-LMM","EMMA", "static"
    method=c("GLM", "MLM", "FarmCPU")


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MVP automatically outputs high-quality figures, three types of figure formats are available (".jpg",".pdf",".tiff", default is ".jpg"). Users could also adjust the output figure using about 40 parameters in MVP.Report(). MVP.Report() not only accept the final return of MVP(), but also accepts results from third-party software packages, such as PLINK, GEMMA, GAPIT, TASSEL, and FarmCPU. The result from third-party software packages should at least contain four columns, which are marker name, chromosome, physical postion, and P-value of a trait, results of more than one trait could be sequentially appended column by column. Typing ?MVP.Report() to see details of all parameters and typing data(pig60K) or data(cattle50K) to load demo datasets.

> data(pig60K)   #GWAS result of MLM
> data(cattle50K)   #SNP effects calculated from rrblup

> head(pig60K)

          SNP Chromosome Position    trait1     trait2     trait3
1 ALGA0000009          1    52297 0.7738187 0.51194318 0.51194318
2 ALGA0000014          1    79763 0.7738187 0.51194318 0.51194318
3 ALGA0000021          1   209568 0.7583016 0.98405289 0.98405289
4 ALGA0000022          1   292758 0.7200305 0.48887140 0.48887140
5 ALGA0000046          1   747831 0.9736840 0.22096836 0.22096836
6 ALGA0000047          1   761957 0.9174565 0.05753712 0.05753712

> head(cattle50K)

   SNP chr    pos Somatic cell score  Milk yield Fat percentage
1 SNP1   1  59082        0.000244361 0.000484255    0.001379210
2 SNP2   1 118164        0.000532272 0.000039800    0.000598951
3 SNP3   1 177246        0.001633058 0.000311645    0.000279427
4 SNP4   1 236328        0.001412865 0.000909370    0.001040161
5 SNP5   1 295410        0.000090700 0.002202973    0.000351394
6 SNP6   1 354493        0.000110681 0.000342628    0.000105792

In the demo datasets, the first three columns are marker name, chromosome, and physical postion, respectively, the rest columns are the P-value or effect of multiple traits. Number of traits is theoretically unlimited.

Phenotype distribution

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phe, phenotype data
file, format of output figure
breakNum, nunmber of breaking points for phenotype when plotting distribution
dpi, resolution of output figure

MVP.Hist(phe=phenotype, file="jpg", breakNum=18, dpi=300)

SNP-density plot

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plot.type, four options ("d", "c", "m", "q"); if "d", draw SNP-density plot
bin.size, the window size for counting SNP number
bin.max, maximum SNP number, for winows, which has more SNPs than bin.max, will be painted in same color
col, colors for seperating windows with different SNP density
file, format of output figure
dpi, resolution of output figure

MVP.Report(pig60K[, c(1:3)], plot.type="d", col=c("darkgreen", "yellow", "red"), file="jpg", dpi=300)

PCA plot

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pca, the first three columns of principle components
Ncluster, cluster number
class, the class of all individuals, for example: "breed", "location"...
col, colors for each cluster
pch, point shape for each cluster
file, format of output figure
plot3D, if TRUE, plot PC figure in 3D format, it can be only used in windows and mac operation system, "rgl" package should be installed beforehead
file, format of output figure
dpi, resolution of output figure

pca <- attach.big.matrix("mvp.pc.desc")[, 1:3]
#pca <- prcomp(t(as.matrix(genotype)))$x[, 1:3]
MVP.PCAplot(PCA=pca, Ncluster=3, class=NULL, col=c("red", "green", "yellow"), file="jpg", plot3D=TRUE, pch=19)

Manhattan plot in Circular fashion

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For GWAS results:

> MVP.Report(pig60K,plot.type="c",chr.labels=paste("Chr",c(1:18,"X"),sep=""),r=0.4,cir.legend=TRUE,

> MVP.Report(pig60K,plot.type="c",r=0.4,col=c("grey30","grey60"),chr.labels=paste("Chr",c(1:18,"X"),sep=""),

1. if signal.line=NULL, the lines that crosse circles won't be added.
2. if the length of parameter 'chr.den.col' is not equal to 1, SNP density that counts 
   the number of SNP within given size('bin.size') will be plotted around the circle.

For GS/GP results:

> MVP.Report(cattle50K,plot.type="c",LOG10=FALSE,outward=TRUE,matrix(c("#4DAF4A",NA,NA,"dodgerblue4",
            "deepskyblue",NA,"dodgerblue1", "olivedrab3", "darkgoldenrod1"), nrow=3, byrow=TRUE),
  ,file="jpg", memo="",dpi=300,chr.den.col="black")
Parameter 'col' can be either vector or matrix, if a matrix, each trait can be plotted in different colors.

Manhattan plot in Rectangular fashion for single trait or method

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For GWAS results:

> MVP.Report(pig60K,plot.type="m",LOG10=TRUE,threshold=NULL,col=c("dodgerblue4","deepskyblue"), cex=0.7

> MVP.Report(pig60K, plot.type="m", col=c("dodgerblue4","deepskyblue"), LOG10=TRUE, ylim=NULL,
        threshold=c(1e-6,1e-4), threshold.lty=c(1,2), threshold.lwd=c(1,1), threshold.col=c("black",
        "grey"), amplify=TRUE,chr.den.col=NULL, signal.col=c("red","green"), signal.cex=c(1,1),

> MVP.Report(pig60K, plot.type="m", LOG10=TRUE, ylim=NULL, threshold=c(1e-6,1e-4),threshold.lty=c(1,2),
        col=c("grey60","grey30"), threshold.lwd=c(1,1), threshold.col=c("black","grey"), amplify=TRUE,
        chr.den.col=c("darkgreen", "yellow", "red"),bin.size=1e6,signal.col=c("red","green"),
if the length of parameter 'chr.den.col' is bigger than 1, SNP density that counts 
   the number of SNP within given size('bin.size') will be plotted.

For GS/GP results:

> MVP.Report(cattle50K, plot.type="m", band=0, LOG10=FALSE, ylab="Abs(SNP effect)",threshold=0.015,
        threshold.lty=2, threshold.lwd=1, threshold.col="red", amplify=TRUE, signal.col=NULL,
        col=c("dodgerblue4","deepskyblue"), chr.den.col=NULL, file="jpg",memo="",dpi=300)

if signal.col=NULL, the significant SNPs will be plotted with original colors.

Manhattan plot in Rectangular fashion for multiple traits or methods

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> MVP.Report(pig60K, plot.type="m", multracks=TRUE, threshold=c(1e-6,1e-4),threshold.lty=c(1,2), 
        threshold.lwd=c(1,1), threshold.col=c("black","grey"), amplify=TRUE,bin.size=1e6,
        chr.den.col=c("darkgreen", "yellow", "red"), signal.col=c("red","green"),signal.cex=c(1,1),

a. all traits in a axes:

b. all traits in separated axes:

Q-Q plot for single trait or method

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> MVP.Report(pig60K,plot.type="q",,box=TRUE,file="jpg",memo="",dpi=300)

Q-Q plot for multiple traits or methods

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> MVP.Report(imMVP,plot.type="q",col=c("dodgerblue1", "olivedrab3", "darkgoldenrod1"),threshold=1e6,

Parameters of MVP.Report

Pmap: a dataframe, at least four columns. The first column is the name of SNP, the second column is the chromosome of SNP, the third column is the position of SNP, and the remaining columns are the P-value of each trait(Note:each trait a column).

col: a vector or a matrix, if "col" equals to a vector, each circle use the same colors, it means that the same chromosome is drewed in the same color, the colors are not fixed, one, two, three or more colors can be used, if the length of the "col" is shorter than the length the chromosome, then colors will be applied circularly. 
  if "col" equals to a matrix, the row is the number of circles(traits), the columns are the colors that users want to use for different circles, so each circle can be plotted in different number of colors, the missing value can be replaced by NA. For example: 

bin.size: the size of bin for SNP_density plot.

bin.max: the max value of legend of SNP_density plot, the bin whose SNP number is bigger than 'bin.max' will be use the same color.

pch: a number, the type for the points, is the same with "pch" in <plot>.

band: a number, the space between chromosomes, the default is 1(if the band equals to 0, then there would be no space between chromosome). a number, the space between circles, the default is 1.

H: a number, the height for each circle, each circle represents a trait, the default is 1.

ylim: a vector, the range of Y-axis when plotting the two type of Manhattans, is the same with "ylim" in <plot>.

cex.axis: a number, controls the size of numbers of X-axis and the size of labels of circle plot.

plot.type: a character or vector, only "d", "c", "m", "q" or "b" can be used. if plot.type="d", SNP density will be plotted; if plot.type="c", only circle-Manhattan plot will be plotted; if plot.type="m",only Manhattan plot will be plotted; if plot.type="q",only Q-Q plot will be plotted;if plot.type="b", both circle-Manhattan, Manhattan and Q-Q plots will be plotted; if plot.type=c("m","q"), Both Manhattan and Q-Q plots will be plotted.

multracks: a logical,if multracks=FALSE, plotting multiple traits on multiple tracks, if it is TRUE, all Manhattan plots will be plotted in only one track.

cex: a number or a vector, the size for the points, is the same with "size" in <plot>, and if it is a vector, the first number controls the size of points in circle plot(the default is 0.5), the second number controls the size of points in Manhattan plot(the default is 1), the third number controls the size of points in Q-Q plot(the default is 1)

r: a number, the radius for the circle(the inside radius), the default is 1.

xlab: a character, the labels for x axis.

ylab: a character, the labels for y axis.

xaxs: a character, The style of axis interval calculation to be used for the x-axis. Possible values are "r", "i", "e", "s", "d". The styles are generally controlled by the range of data or xlim, if given.

yaxs: a character, The style of axis interval calculation to be used for the y-axis. See xaxs above..

outward: logical, if outward=TRUE,then all points will be plotted from inside to outside.

threshold: a number or vector, the significant threshold. For example, Bonfferoni adjustment method: threshold=0.01/nrow(Pmap). More than one significant line can be added on the plots, if threshold=0 or NULL, then the threshold line will not be added.

threshold.col: a character or vector, the colour for the line of threshold levels.

threshold.lwd: a number or vector, the width for the line of threshold levels.

threshold.lty: a number or vector, the type for the line of threshold levels.

amplify: logical, CMplot can amplify the significant points, if amplify=T, then the points greater than the minimal significant level will be highlighted, the default: amplify=TRUE.

chr.labels: a vector, the labels for the chromosomes of circle-Manhattan plot.

signal.cex: a number, if amplify=TRUE, users can set the size of significant points.

signal.pch: a number, if amplify=TRUE, users can set the shape of significant points.

signal.col: a character, if amplify=TRUE, users can set the colour of significant points, if signal.col=NULL, then the colors of significant points will not be changed.

signal.line: a number, the width of the lines cross the circle

cir.chr: logical, a boundary represents chromosome, the default is TRUE.

cir.chr.h: a number, the width for the boundary, if cir.chr=FALSE, then this parameter will be useless.

chr.den.col: a character or vector or NULL, the colour for the SNP density. If the length of parameter 'chr.den.col' is bigger than 1, SNP density that counts 
   the number of SNP within given size('bin.size') will be plotted around the circle. If chr.den.col=NULL, then the default colours are the same with the parameter "col" for circle.

cir.legend: logical, whether to add the legend of each circle.

cir.legend.cex: a number, the size of the number of legend.

cir.legend.col: a character, the color of the axis of legend.

LOG10: logical, whether to change the p-value into log10(p-value).

box: logical, this function draws a box around the current Manhattan plot. a character, the color of the confidence interval on QQ-plot.

file.output: a logical, users can choose whether to output the plot results.

file: a character, users can choose the different output formats of plot, so for, "jpg", "pdf", "tiff" can be selected by users.

dpi: a number, the picture element for .jpg and .tiff files. The default is 300.

memo: add a character to the output file name.

FAQ and Hints

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🆘 Question1: Failing to install "devtools":

ERROR: configuration failed for package ‘git2r’

removing ‘/Users/acer/R/3.4/library/git2r’

ERROR: dependency ‘git2r’ is not available for package ‘devtools’

removing ‘/Users/acer/R/3.4/library/devtools’

😋 Answer: Please try following codes in terminal:

apt-get install libssl-dev/unstable

🆘 Question2: When installing packages from Github with "devtools", an error occurred:

Error in curl::curl_fetch_disk(url, x$path, handle = handle): Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?)

😋 Answer: Please try following codes and then try agian.

set_config(config(ssl_verifypeer = 0L))

🆘 Question3: When installing MVP:

Error in lazyLoadDBinsertVariable(vars[i], from, datafile, ascii, compress, : write failed ERROR: lazy loading failed for package ‘MVP’ removing ‘/home/liuxl/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.3/MVP’ Warning message: In install.packages("MVP_1.0.1.tar.gz", repos = NULL) : installation of package ‘MVP_1.0.1.tar.gz’ had non-zero exit status

😋 Answer: It is probably an issue caused by disk full, please check disk space.

Questions, suggestions, and bug reports are welcome and appreciated. ➡️

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A Memory-efficient, Visualization-enhanced, and Parallel-accelerated Tool For Genome-Wide Association Study






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