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This application provides a simple method for aggregating hierarchical rankings. The application helps to make decisions about the selection of candidates based on a hierarchy of attributes, skills and their weight.
The skills required by a job position should be defined in the dictionary Skills.
Job positions and their required skills are defined in the section Positions.
Applicants and their skills are added in the section Applicants.
For each position, the rating of candidates is calculated and the result is available at the link "Candidate". See Positions.
Also in the "Candidates" section, more options are provided for calculating the rating of candidates. See Candidates.
A Skill is identified by a short code. It has a name and a description. A Skill may be an attribute of a Position and/or of an Applicant.
A Position is identified by a code. It is assigned a name, a start date, end date and optionally a division. Also, it has a many-to-many relationship with Skills. Each relationship "Position - Skill" is assigned the weight of the Skill or group. Skills may be grouped. And the groups may be further grouped in a hierarchy.
An Applicant is the entity whose Skills will be matched against the Skills required for a Position.
A Candidate is an Applicant whose Skills have been compared to those of a particular Position and for whom an aggregate weight (rating) is calculated to distinguish him from other applicants for the same position.