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Optional Modules (v1.x)

Simonas Mikulenas edited this page Dec 3, 2015 · 1 revision

List of available optional modules


To install the module, execute the following command in your Package Manager console:
`Install-Package BetterCms.Module.AmazonS3Storage`


To install the module, execute the following command in your Package Manager console:
`Install-Package BetterCms.Module.AppFabricCache`


BetterCMS provides an ability to easily integrate Google Analytics into your website. To install the module, execute the following command in your package manager console:
`Install-Package BetterCms.Module.GoogleAnalytics`.

Make sure there is Google Analytics section in your modules configuration in cms.config file and looks like this:

    <module name="google_analytics">
      <add key="LinkType" value="alternate"/>
      <add key="SitemapUrl" value="sitemap.xml"/>
      <add key="ChangeFrequency" value="weekly"/>
      <add key="Priority" value="0.5"/>
      <add key="SitemapTitle" value="Default Site Map"/>
      <add key="DateTimeFormat" value="yyyy-MM-dd"/>
      <add key="AnalyticsKey" value="UA-37459367-3"/>
    <!-- OTHER CODE -->

Configurable parameters:

  • LinkType: Link type. Default : alternate
  • SitemapUrl: Relative URL path to the sitemap. Default : sitemap.xml
  • ChangeFrequency: How frequently the page is likely to change. Default : weekly
  • Priority: Default priority value for every page in range 0.0 to 1.0. Default : 0.5
  • SitemapTitle: Title of the sitemap. Default : Default Site Map
  • DateTimeFormat: DateTime format which is used to print pages last modified date. Default : yyyy-MM-dd
  • AnalyticsKey: Your custom Google Analytics key

To get more information about sitemap configuration please visit


To install the module, execute the following command in your Package Manager console:
`Install-Package BetterCms.Module.ImagesGallery`


BetterCMS Open Graph Integration Module provides an ability to turn every page into a page that meets the specification of the Open Graph protocol. It will add basic meta data to every page.

To install the module, execute the following command in your Package Manager console:
Install-Package BetterCms.Module.OpenGraphIntegration


To install the module, execute the following command in your Package Manager console:
`Install-Package BetterCms.Module.WindowsAzureStorage`


To install the module, execute the following command in your Package Manager console:
`Install-Package BetterCms.Module.GoogleSiteSearch`


To install the module, execute the following command in your Package Manager console:
`Install-Package BetterCms.Module.LuceneSearch`
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