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Shading Language


Godot uses a simplified shader language (almost a subset of GLSL). Shaders can be used for:

  • Materials
  • Post-Process
  • 2D

and are divided in Vertex and Fragment sections.



The language is statically type and only supports a few operations. Arrays, classes, structures, etc are not supported. Several built-in datatypes are provided:

Data Types

DataType Description
void Void
bool boolean (true or false)
float floating point
vec2 2-component vector, float subindices (x,y or r,g )
vec3 3-component vector, float subindices (x,y,z or r,g,b )
vec4,color 4-component vector, float subindices (x,y,z,w or r,g,b,a )
mat3 3x3 matrix, vec3 subindices (x,y,z)
mat4 4x4 matrix, vec4 subindices (x,y,z,w)
texture texture sampler, can only be used as uniform
cubemap cubemap sampler, can only be used as uniform


The syntax is similar to C, with statements ending in ; , and comments as // and /* */. Example:

float a = 3;
vec3 b;
b.x = a;


It is possible to use swizzling to reasigning subindices or groups of subindices, in order:

vec3 a = vec3(1,2,3);
vec3 b = a.zyx; // b will contain vec3(3,2,1)
vec2 c = a.xy; // c will contain vec2(1,2)
vec4 d = a.xyzz; // d will contain vec4(1,2,3,3)


Constructors take the regular amount of elements, but can also accept less if the element has more subindices, for example:

vec3 a = vec3( 1, vec2(2,3) );
vec3 b = vec3( a );
vec3 c = vec3( vec2(2,3), 1 );
vec4 d = vec4( a, 5 );
mat3 m = mat3( a,b,c );


For now, only the "if" conditional is supported. Example:

if (a < b) {
   c = b;


A variable can be declared as uniform. In this case, it's value will come from outside the shader (it will be the responsibility of the material or whatever using the shader to provide it).

uniform vec3 direction;
uniform color tint;

vec3 result = tint.rgb * direction;


Simple support for functions is provided. Functions can't access uniforms or other shader variables.
vec3 addtwo( vec3 a, vec3 b) {

    return a+b;

vec3 c = addtwo(vec3(1,1,1)+vec3(2,2,2));

Built-In Functions

Several Built-in functions are provided for convenience, listed as follows:

Function Description
float sin( float ) Sine
float cos( float ) Cosine
float tan( float ) Tangent
float asin( float ) arc-Sine
float acos( float ) arc-Cosine
float atan( float ) arc-Tangent
vec_type pow( vec_type, float ) Power
vec_type pow( vec_type, vec_type ) Power (Vec. Exponent)
vec_type exp( vec_type ) Base-e Exponential
vec_type log( vec_type ) Natural Logarithm
vec_type sqrt( vec_type ) Square Root
vec_type abs( vec_type ) Absolute
vec_type sign( vec_type ) Sign
vec_type floor( vec_type ) Floor
vec_type trunc( vec_type ) Trunc
vec_type ceil( vec_type ) Ceiling
vec_type fract( vec_type ) Fractional
vec_type mod( vec_type,vec_type ) Remainder
vec_type min( vec_type,vec_type ) Minimum
vec_type min( vec_type,vec_type ) Maximum
vec_type clamp( vec_type value,vec_type min, vec_type max ) Clamp to Min-Max
vec_type mix( vec_type a,vec_type b, float c ) Linear Interpolate
vec_type mix( vec_type a,vec_type b, vec_type c ) Linear Interpolate (Vector Coef.)
vec_type step( vec_type a,vec_type b) a[i] < b[i] ? 0.0 : 1.0
float length( vec_type ) Vector Length
float distance( vec_type, vec_type ) Distance between vector.
float dot( vec_type, vec_type ) Dot Product
vec3 dot( vec3, vec3 ) Cross Product
vec_type normalize( vec_type ) Normalize to unit length
vec3 reflect( vec3, vec3 ) Reflect
color tex( texture, vec2 ) Read from a texture in noormalized coords
color texcube( texture, vec3 ) Read from a cubemap
color texscreen( texture, vec1 ) Read from screen (generates a copy)

Built-In Variables

Depending on the shader type, several built-in variables are available, listed as follows:

Material - VertexShader
Variable Description
vec3 VERTEX Pre-Transformed Vertex
vec3 NORMAL Pre-Transformed Normal
vec3 TANGENT Pre-Transformed Tangent
vec2 UV UV
vec2 UV2 UV2
color COLOR Vertex Color
out vec4 VAR1 Varying 1 Output
out vec4 VAR2 Varying 2 Output
out float SPEC_EXP Specular Exponent (for Vertex Lighting)
out float POINT_SIZE Point Size (for points)
const mat4 WORLD_MATRIX Object World Matrix
const mat4 INV_CAMERA_MATRIX Inverse Camera Matrix
const mat4 PROJECTION_MATRIX Projection Matrix
const float INSTANCE_ID Instance ID (for multimesh)
const float TIME Time (in seconds)
Material - FragmentShader
Variable Description
const vec3 VERTEX View-Space vertex
const vec4 POSITION View-Space Position
const vec3 NORMAL View-Space Normal
const vec3 TANGENT View-Space Tangent
const vec3 BINORMAL View-Space Binormal
const vec2 UV UV
const vec2 UV2 UV2
const color COLOR Vertex Color
const vec4 VAR1 Varying 1
const vec4 VAR2 Varying 2
const vec2 SCREEN_TEXEL_SIZE Size of Screen Pixel (for texscreen)
const float TIME Time (in seconds)
out vec3 DIFFUSE Diffuse Color
out vec4 DIFFUSE_ALPHA Diffuse Color with Alpha
out vec3 SPECULAR Specular Color
out vec3 EMISSION Emission Color
out float SPEC_EXP Specular Exponent (Fragment Version)
out float GLOW Glow
out float DISCARD Discard (any write > 0.5 discards the pixel)


Material that reads a texture, a color and multiples them, fragment program:

uniform color modulate;
uniform texture source;

DIFFUSE = color.rgb * tex(source,UV).rgb;

Material that glows from red to white:

DIFFUSE = vec3(1,0,0) + vec(1,1,1)*mod(TIME,1.0);


  • Do not use DIFFUSE_ALPHA unless you really intend to use transparency. Transparent materials must be sorted by depth and slow down the rendering pipeline. For opaque materials, just use DIFFUSE.
  • Do not use DISCARD unless you really need it. Discard makes rendering slower, specially on mobile devices.
  • TIME may reset after a while (may last an hour or so), it's meant for effects that vary over time.
  • In general, every built-in variable not used results in less shader code generated, so writing a single giant shader with a lot of code and optional scenarios is often not a good idea.

--- //[[[email protected]|Juan Linietsky]] 2013/11/10 18:10//

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